First, the main content of Singapore’s social security system Singapore in 1955 formally established a central provident fund, the implementation of the CPF as the main form of social security system. The provident fund covers all employees, including temporary employees, probationary employees, part-time employees, monthly salaries, daily salaries, salaried employees or salaried employees, as well as self-employed persons with annual net profit of over S $ 2400. As of the end of 1998, CPF members have reached 2.8 million. Provident fund contribution rate is the government as the actual social and economic development to determine the actual situation, with mobility and mandatory. Last year, the contribution rate of the provident fund was 30% of the monthly salary of employees. Of these, 20% were from employees and 10% from employers. Employers and employees each paid a maximum of S $ 1,200 a month. The contribution rate of employees over the age of 55 decreases with age, while the total employee turnover rate over the age of 65 is 7%. In addition to meeting the needs of CPF members in all aspects,