别具一格的科普设施 地震科普馆

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地震科普馆是中国地震局设立的一处国家防震减灾科普教育基地,位于风景秀丽的周口店龙骨山后山,是举世闻名的“周口店遗址”所在地。地震科普馆占地15000平方米,其中展区面积978平方米,是一个以防震减灾科普知识宣传为主要特色的科普教育基地。整个展览在设计上贯彻“以人为本”的理念,采用展板、灯箱、互动装置等多种表现形式,向观众展示地震及地震时的自救互救等知识 Earthquake Science Museum is China Earthquake Administration set up a national science base for earthquake disaster prevention and education, located in the scenic Zhoukoudian keel mountain, is the world-famous “Zhoukoudian site ” is located. Earthquake Science Museum covers an area of ​​15,000 square meters, of which the exhibition area of ​​978 square meters, is a popular science knowledge of earthquake disaster prevention as the main feature of the popular science education base. Throughout the exhibition, the concept of “people-oriented” has been implemented throughout the exhibition. The exhibitions, light boxes and interactive devices are used to show the audience the knowledge of self-help and mutual aid during earthquakes and earthquakes
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寒假到了,小聪和妈妈一起回武汉姥姥家过年,还带上了爸爸的照相机呢!突然,一个人跃入了他的眼帘,他举起了长镜头—— Winter vacation to come, Xiao Cong and her mother g