降低血压 延长生命

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本文作者是一位治疗高血压的专家,有着丰富的临床经验。实践出真知,加上作者又通晓流行于当前医学界的治疗高血压的观点和方法,所以文章能以其人木的观察和犀利的文笔列数当前医学界9种带有误导性的言论,并加以纠正。细读此文,顿生拨雾看花,登高眺远之感。也许是为钝化文章的学术锋芒,文章的标题四平八稳,就实质言,本文的标题似可改写为:Nine Misleading Conceptions in Treating Hypertension(治疗高血压的九种误导)。 笔者也是高血压患者,因此读此文时,可谓句句人目,字字人心。笔者认为,此间最为流行的误导观点如下: 1. Treatments to control high blood pressure are often worse than the disease. “Mild” hypertension needn’t be treated. 降压治疗常常比高血压病本身更糟。轻度的高血压病无须治疗。 2. Hypertension diets are too rigid.高血压患者的食物应严加限制。 3. High blood pressure is more common in old people. 高血压仅为老年人的常见病。 本文的作者虽然是医学专家,但文章写得毫无学究气,相反,行文不乏文采。文末竟套用了著名歌曲《老人河》的一句歌词: Gone are the days when patients left the total responsibility for their medical care in the hands of their doctors. The author of this article is an expert in the treatment of hypertension and has extensive clinical experience. The knowledge of practice and the author’s knowledge of the ideas and methods of treatment of hypertension that are prevalent in the current medical community make it possible for the article to have 9 kinds of misleading remarks in the medical field with its observations and sharp lines. And correct it. When I read this article, I was fond of seeing flowers and seeing the flowers. Perhaps for the purpose of blunting the academic edge of the article, the title of the article has been stable. In essence, the title of this article may be rephrased as: Nine Misleading Conceptions in Treating Hypertension. The author is also a hypertensive patient. Therefore, when reading this article, it can be described as a sentence, a word, and a word. The author believes that the most popular misconceptions here are: 1. Treatments to control high blood pressure are often worse than the disease. “Mild” hypertension needn’t be treated. Antihypertensive treatment is often worse than hypertension itself. Mild hypertension does not require treatment. 2. Hypertension diets are too rigid. Food for hypertensive patients should be strictly limited. 3. High blood pressure is more common in old people. Hypertension is only a common disease in the elderly. Although the author of this article is a medical expert, but the article is written without study, on the contrary, there is no lack of literary text. At the end of the text, the lyrics of the famous song “The Old Man River” were applied: Gone are the days when patients left the total responsibility for their medical care in the hands of their doctors.
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