坚决贯彻落实党中央改革决策部署 坚定推动司法责任制改革全面开展

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中央部署司法体制改革试点工作以来,各省级检察院和试点地区检察机关在中央确定的改革框架内,结合地方实际,积极探索创新,形成了一批可推广可复制的经验,为全面推进改革奠定了较好基础。当前,司法体制改革已经到了攻坚克难的关键时期。孟建柱同志的重要讲话,对全面推进司法责任制改革提出了新要求,明确了一系列重要政策,为深入推进司法体制改革指明了前进方向。各级检察机关要把思想统一到中央精神上来,把抓改革落实作为一项重大政治责任。各级检察院领 Since the central authorities deployed the pilot reform of the judicial system, the procuratorates at the provincial level and the procuratorate organs in the pilot areas have actively explored and innovated their work in the framework of reform set forth by the Central Government in the light of local conditions and formed a group of experiences that can be replicated and replicable, laying a solid foundation for the overall reform A better foundation. At present, the reform of the judicial system has reached a critical period of tackling the difficulties. Comrade Meng Jianzhu’s important speech made new demands for the comprehensive reform of the judicial responsibility system, defined a series of important policies and pointed out the direction for further deepening the reform of the judicial system. Procuratorial organs at all levels must unify their thinking with the spirit of the Central Government and regard the implementation of reform as a major political responsibility. Procuratorates at all levels
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