
来源 :中国石油石化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjkf
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伴随油气钻井工艺的突飞猛进以及地质、油气、工程安全数据监测的日益复杂化、规范化的要求,为适应现场复杂的恶劣工作环境,各类现场数据的采集及传输对综合录井仪的采集、传输、分析整理提出了更高的要求。如何提升综合录井仪在整体生产、维护的可靠性等方面成为综合录井仪亟待改进的重点方向。本文主要对综合录井仪改进的数据传输方式进行深入探讨分析,并对改进方案的优势进行评价。 With the rapid development of oil and gas drilling technology and the increasing complexity and standardization of the monitoring of geological, oil and gas, engineering safety data, the acquisition and transmission of comprehensive logging tools in order to adapt to the harsh working environment and the collection and transmission of various kinds of on-site data Analysis and finishing put forward higher requirements. How to improve the integrated logging instrument in the overall production, maintenance reliability has become the key direction of comprehensive logging instrument to be improved. In this paper, the improved data transmission mode of integrated logging instrument is discussed and analyzed in depth, and the advantages of the improved scheme are evaluated.
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