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随着第十七届全国植保系统农药械商品信息交流会议在哈尔滨的举行,使得金秋的冰城,显得格外热闹。在省、市、自治区、植保站站长们下塌的新世纪酒店有两座标有“沙隆达祝大会圆满成功”的巨型彩虹门把广场装点的分外妖娆;在与会代表往返宾馆到展览中心的道路两旁,迎风飘扬的介绍沙隆达各公司系列产品的200面“刀旗”五彩缤纷,绚丽多彩,是第17届植保会的一道亮丽的风景线。全国植保会是各个厂家聚集一堂争先恐后表现自我的时机,在哈尔滨国际展览中心的门前门后,在街道两旁,宣传画和各种广告铺天盖地,令人目不暇接。别具一格的沙隆达的广告以简练的语句,达到了画龙点睛、鲜艳夺目之目的:在国际展览中心的正门前面8米宽12米长的“中国农药沙隆达”的巨型条幅占据了南侧墙壁。在展览厅的中厅横跨南北的6间布展摊位上,沙隆达公司整齐划一, With the 17th National Plant Protection System Pesticide and Drug Information Exchange Conference held in Harbin, making the fall of the ice city, it is particularly lively. In the province, city and autonomous region, plant protection station owners collapsed in the new century, there are two hotels marked “Salonda wish success of the General Assembly,” the giant rainbow gate decoration of the square extravagant enchanting; in the representatives from round-trip Hotel to the exhibition center on both sides of the road, the introduction of the wind fluttering Sanonda company 200 series “flag ” colorful, colorful, is the 17th IPP a beautiful landscape. The National Plant Protection Association is the opportunity for all manufacturers to gather themselves in a vanguard performance. After the front door of the Harbin International Exhibition Center, there are dizzying twists and turns on leaflets, posters and advertisements. Unique Sanonda ads concise sentences, finishing the eye-catching, bright eye-catching purposes: 8 meters wide and 12 meters long in front of the main entrance of the International Exhibition Center “Chinese pesticide Sanonda” giant banner occupy the South Side wall. In the exhibition hall hall across the north and south of the 6 booths, Sanonda uniform company,
引入精益质量管理模型,以模型五大法宝为一级指标,尝试构建中专《机械测绘》课程评价体系,并根据学生的岗位角色不同,确定相应的评价方法。 Lean quality management model
Numerical estimates for electrons and mesons particle–antiparticle creation from vacuum in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields are derived, using the
结缔组织生长因子是即刻早期反应基因的家族成员之一 ,CCN家族中富含半胱氨酸的外分泌型多肽 ,是转化生长因子 β1的下游效应子 ,参与了血管平滑肌细胞和内皮细胞的生长、迁
分析了水文气象预报跟水库调度的紧密结合在提高新安江水电厂1998年度发电和防洪效益方面的重要作用。 This paper analyzes the important role of the close combination of h