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“时有古今,地有南北,人之语义,不能一成而不变,往往随时地人以蕃衍之。”所以说,古汉语一直在发展变化,主要表现为词义的分化与繁衍。现代汉语中的多义词,一般只能作两三种解释,而文言中的多义词,义项可以多至五六个,甚至十几个。虚词的用法也比较复杂,意义也比较抽象。因而要“字求其训”,不然很难读懂文言文,甚至完全理解错了,那就谈不上提高阅读文言文的能力。选人教材的古诗文,虽有译注,难免失误,本着“字求其训”的精神,有的字仍需探讨考究。 “Ancient and modern, ancient and modern, have the semantic meaning of people and can not be inscribed into one another at any time, and people often develop their ideas at any time.” Therefore, ancient Chinese has been developing and changing, mainly manifested in the differentiation and multiplication of meanings. Polysemous words in modern Chinese can only make two or three kinds of explanations in general, while the polysemous words in classical Chinese can have as many as five or six or even a dozen. The use of function words is also more complex, the meaning is more abstract. Therefore, we should “seek the word training”, otherwise it is difficult to read classical Chinese, or even completely wrong, it will not improve the ability to read the classical Chinese. Ancient poetry and textbook selection materials, although the translation note, it is inevitable mistakes, in the spirit of “word seeking its training”, some words still need to explore elegant.
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