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2003年北京市农村小学教师结构开始调整,小学教师出现富余,而农村中心园教师又明显不足,于是,引进小学富余教师到中心园,不失为协调平衡农村小学教育与幼儿教育之间关系的创新举措。目前,已有大量优秀的、符合条件的小学教师,补充到了农村中心园教师队伍中,他们甚至成了有些中心园的主力军。转岗教师的到来对中心园教师的学历结构产生了很大影响,目前北京市各农村中心园共有1600多名教师达到了大专以上学历,占教师总数的52.31%,扭转了中心园以“农民教师”为主的现象。同时,转岗教师的专业成长也成为了农村幼教工作的关注重点。北京市教委于2005年开始,已投资400万,连续举办了3届为期一年的转岗教师培训,目前,经过培训的550名教师已成为中心园的骨干教师,发挥着重要的作用。转岗教师的成长之路,凝聚了来自各方面的关心、重视和大力扶持,当然,更多的还是要依赖于他们自身的努力。本期专题聚焦转岗教师,让我们一起来领略他们这一路的艰辛与快乐! In 2003, the structure of primary school teachers in rural areas of Beijing began to be adjusted. Elementary school teachers appeared surplus while teachers in rural center parks were clearly inadequate. Therefore, the introduction of surplus primary school teachers into the center park could be an innovative measure to coordinate the balance between rural primary education and early childhood education . At present, a large number of outstanding and qualified primary school teachers have been added to the ranks of teachers in rural center parks. They have even become the main force in some centers. The arrival of transfer teachers has a great impact on the academic structure of teachers in the Central Park. At present, there are more than 1,600 teachers in all rural centers in Beijing reaching a college degree or above, accounting for 52.31% of the total number of teachers, reversing the “ Teacher ”based phenomenon. At the same time, the professional growth of transfer teachers has also become the focus of rural preschool education. The Beijing Municipal Commission of Education started in 2005 and has invested 4 million to hold three consecutive one-year transfer of teacher training. At present, 550 trained teachers have become key teachers in the Central Park and play an important role. The growth of transfer teachers, embodies the concern from all aspects, attention and strong support, of course, more depends on their own efforts. Focus on the current transfer of teachers, let us together to understand the hardships and happiness of their way!
一、经典三角形问题二次函数与三角形的结合堪称经典,是近几年各地中考数学的常考题型.这些试题主要利用三角形面积、等腰三角形、相似三角形的性质 First, the classic tri
六月的阳光温暖和煦,沿着林间的的小径徜徉,扑面而来的暖风里漾着幽幽的花香,不知名的鸟儿在林中清脆地吟唱,眼前是绿茵茵的草丛,其间点缀着一簇簇的 June warm sunshine wa
下唇恶性肿瘤切除后遗留的缺损 ,临床上有多种方法修复。以唇动脉为蒂设计扇形组织瓣行下唇再造术 ,治疗下唇缺损在 1/ 2以上的患者 ,经临床治疗 6例 ,效果良好。并具有以下
清qīnɡ晨chén,我wǒ在zài沙shā地dì上shɑnɡ,  用yònɡ木mù棍ɡùn画huà下xià一yì颗kē星xīnɡ星xinɡ,  并bìnɡ默mò默mò许xǔ下xià心xīn愿yuàn,  愿yuàn它tā能nénɡ变biàn成chénɡ一yì颗kē真zhēn正zhènɡ的de星xīnɡ星xinɡ。  晚wǎn上shànɡ,我wǒ悄qiāo悄qiāo来lái到dào沙shā地dì,
宋代的民族英雄岳飞因幼年丧父,家境贫寒,无钱上学。周侗老师十分喜欢这个勤学的孩子,免费收岳飞为学生。周侗老师不仅教育他如何做人,帮助他树立爱国爱 Yue Fei, a nationa
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孔子生活的春秋时期,他目睹旧贵族在政治动荡中的沉浮,如晋国当过权的贵族栾、卻、胥、原、狐、续、庆、伯等八氏,都沦落为奴隶;反之,如齐国的鲍子文、鲁国的婴齐、晋国的州绰和竖头须等,原来都是奴隶身份,却当了“常隶”“守藏”等职。周礼在当时已经失去了规范社会的作用,于是孔子提出了以“仁”这一范畴为中心的实践理性学说,作为传播思想“礼”的具体化。    三、孔子的为仁思想    按孔子的解说,“仁”的含义
坐落于西部铜城的攀枝花市第一小学始建于1976年。学校以“立足于学生学会做人,放眼于学生未来的发展,致力于学生综合素 Located in the western city of Panzhihua City, t