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不久之前,全體蘇聯人民,社會主義國家的人民以及全世界的進步人類都慶祝了蘇聯的偉大的十月社會主義革命四十週年。蘇聯共產黨的智慧以及蘇聯人民的無比英勇和勞動的功績,使得蘇聯在四十年內從一個農業國變成了一個先進的社會主義的工業強國,從一個文化上落後的國家變成了一個有著高度文化和在科學和技術上都有著高度發展的國家。在共產黨的領導下四十年來蘇聯的科學變成了世界上最先進的科學,並成爲革命地改造自然和社會的強大力量。十月革命從根本上改變了蘇聯的科學狀況,它忠誠地服務於我國的人民,成爲人民爲了美好的將來、爲了共產主義而英勇奮鬥的強大力量。蘇聯科學的力量在於它以辯證唯物主義爲其科學的方法,在於它緊密地與國民經濟(即與國家的實際)聯系着,其中的蘇聯農業化學也是緊密地與國家的農業聯系着的。任何科學的發展如果沒有理論與實際的聯系則將毫無意義。蘇聯科學的力量還在於,科學的進一步發展是與所有學者的集體創造相聯系著的。蘇聯每一個學者的個人創造都是很好地與所有學者對某一問題的研究相配合的。科學領導人所提出來的思想,觀念和問題先要經過許多研究工作者的研究,然後把這些工作的結果從理論上加以總結。由此可見,把科學的綜合及所得到的事實的科學分析很好地配合起來是蘇聯科學家的工作特點。 Not long ago, the entire Soviet people, the people of the socialist countries and progressive humans all over the world celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the Soviet Union’s great October socialist revolution. The wisdom of the Soviet Communist Party and the merit of the heroic and laboring work of the Soviet people have transformed the Soviet Union from an agricultural country into an advanced socialist industrial power within 40 years. From a cultural backward country, it has become a country with a high degree of culture And countries with highly developed science and technology. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the science of the Soviet Union for the past 40 years has become the most advanced science in the world and has become a powerful force in revolutionizing nature and society. The October Revolution fundamentally changed the state of science in the Soviet Union. It faithfully serves the people in our country and becomes a powerful force for the people to work bravely for communism and for a beautiful future. The power of Soviet science lies in its scientific approach to dialectical materialism in that it is closely linked with the national economy (that is, with the reality of the state), of which Soviet agrochemicals are also closely linked with the agriculture of the country. Any scientific development without meaning and reality will be meaningless. The power of Soviet science lies in the fact that the further development of science is linked to the collective creation of all scholars. Each individual creation of the Soviet Union is well coordinated with the research of all scholars on a certain issue. The thoughts, concepts and problems proposed by the scientific leaders must first go through the research of many researchers and then summarize the results of these work theoretically. It can be seen from this that the scientific analysis of the scientific synthesis and the facts obtained is a good feature of the work of Soviet scientists.
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