,Host-Induced Gene Silencing of the Target Gene in Fungal Cells Confers Effective Resistance to the

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chongyou2025
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Dear Editor,Verticillium wilt,caused by the soil-boe fungus Verticillium dahliae,poses a major threat to a broad host range of more than 400 plant species,including economically important cotton (Bell,1992).V.dahliae is especially difficult to control because it persists in soil as resting structures,called microsclerotia,for several years in the absence of a host plant.The dormant microsclerotia are the primary infectious propagules and germinate when they are stimulated by root exudates.Infection of cotton roots by V.dahliae in soil naturally leads to the colonization of vascular tissues,from the parasitic to saprophytic phase,when mycelia and melanized dormancy microsclerotia are produced in the infected cotton,resulting in vessel blockage and cotton wilt disease (Gerik and Huisman,1988).
Dear Editor,Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a class of essential polyhydroxylated steroid hormones regulating plant growth and development,and their responses to env
施用生物钾肥是缺钾麦田夺取小麦高产的一项新技术,为探索其追施效果,我们于1993、1994年进行了生物钾肥追施试验,均取得了明显的增产效果。 试验在水年县苗庄乡岳庄村杨书