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2006年全国财政收入预计将达到3.9万亿元左右。“十一五”开局之年,我国地方各项战略部署全面启动,经济快速发展,新增财源不断扩大,地方财政收入不仅总量增长显著,而且发展速度也再上新台阶。根据目前各地所公布的数据,北京地方财政收入2006年首次超过千亿元,再次位居全国第六;山西2006年前11个月地方财政收入就达到563.17亿元,跃入全国前十强。各地方在千方百计推动经济发展,做大财政“蛋糕”的同时,在财政支出结构上不断优化,支出重点向民生支出倾斜、向新农村建设倾斜,充分体现了各地方以人为本、科学发展、执政为民和建设和谐社会的执政理念。 The national fiscal revenue in 2006 is expected to reach about 3.9 trillion yuan. In the first year of the “11th Five-Year Plan”, various strategic arrangements for localities in our country were launched in an all-round way. With the rapid economic development and new sources of additional resources, the total local revenue has not only made remarkable growth, but also accelerated to a new level. According to the data released by various places, Beijing’s local fiscal revenue exceeded 600 billion yuan for the first time in 2006, ranking sixth in the country again. In the first 11 months of 2006, Shanxi’s local fiscal revenue reached 56.317 billion yuan, jumping into the top 10 of the country. While making every attempt to promote economic development and increase the “cake” of finance, all localities continuously optimized their fiscal expenditures structure. Their expenditures were mainly paid to people’s livelihood expenditures, inclined to the construction of new rural areas, and fully reflected the people-oriented and scientific development in various places and the ruling power of People and building a harmonious society governing concept.
聚苯乙烯 (PS)广泛应用于汽车、家电、包装及日用品等方面 ,社会需求日益增加。 1997年我国PS树脂产量 14 7万t,其中CPPS 11 1万t,HIPS 2万t、EPS 1 5万t ,社会需求 12 0万t ;进口 139 9万t,其中EPS 2
产品名称规格型号产地价格 (元 /吨 )ABS阻燃国产 180 0 0ABS色母粒注塑级国产 2 2 0 0 0DAP长玻璃纤维增强模塑料D6兰 ,高强国产 86 0 0 0DAP长玻璃纤维增强模塑料D15 0 0黑 ,超耐热国产 8
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