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毕节“开发扶贫、生态建设”试验区成立27年来,在中央统战部、各民主党派中央、全国工商联、国家有关部委的大力支持下,经过全市各族人民的共同努力,经济社会各方面都取得了令人瞩目的巨大成就。但也必须清醒地认识到,由于历史、自然、社会等主客观因素的制约,毕节试验区的发展离党中央的要求、人民群众的期盼还有一定差距,尤其是在经济处于中高速发展,国际经济增长乏力,经济下行压力仍然较大的情况下,如何在仅有的不足6年时间里,加快毕节试验区经济发展步伐,与全国全省同步全面建成小康社会,是摆在全市广大干部和各族人民面前的一个重大课题。本文拟通过在市内外广泛调查研究的基础上,充分认识经济新常态的深刻内涵,实事求是分析毕节试验区发展面临的新形势、新机遇、新挑战,进而分析发展现状,剖析存在的问题,探寻突破方向,提出有针对性的对策建议。 In the 27 years since the establishment of Pilot Zone for Poverty Alleviation and Ecological Construction in Bijie, with the vigorous support of the Central United Front Work Department, the Central Committees of all democratic parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and the relevant ministries and commissions of the state, with the joint efforts of the people of all nationalities in the city, All have made remarkable achievements. However, we must also clearly recognize that due to the constraints of the subjective and objective factors such as history, nature and society, the development of the pilot zone in Bijie still lags far behind the requirements of the Central Government and the expectations of the masses. In particular, with the rapid economic development , The sluggish international economic growth and the downward pressure on the economy, how to speed up the pace of economic development in the pilot zone of Bijie in just less than 6 years and to build a well-off society in an all-round way simultaneously with the whole province? Cadres and people of all ethnic groups before a major issue. This article intends to fully understand the profound connotation of the new economic normal and fully understand the new situation, new opportunities and new challenges confronting the development of the pilot area in Bijie by analyzing facts from a wide range of investigations both at home and abroad. Then we analyze the status quo of the development, analyze the existing problems, Break through the direction, put forward the countermeasures and suggestions.
菜籽饼耐水抗泡,香味悠长,很适于自然水域钓鱼。长江中下游地区的钓友,以菜籽饼钩钓鲤鱼由来已久。其法如下。 Water-resistant anti-foam rapeseed cake, long scent, it i
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