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黑龙江省荣军农场二队,1989年种植甜菜1200亩,总产3354.99吨,平均亩产2796千克,其中678亩亩产超过3000千克,平均含糖18.2%。二队甜菜高产高糖,除加强常规措施标准化、规范化外,重点抓了以下三项关键措施。 1.选用良种,机械穴播。二队选用了西德进口多芽磨光种威斯普,4月28日采用机 Second Team of Rongjun Farm in Heilongjiang Province planted 1,200 acres of sugar beet in 1989 with a total output of 3354.99 tons and an average yield of 2,796 kg per mu, of which 678 mu per mu yield exceeded 3,000 kg and the average sugar content was 18.2%. Second sugar beet high yield and high sugar, in addition to strengthening the standardization of standardized measures, standardization, the focus of the following three key measures. 1. Selection of seeds, mechanical planting. The second team selected the West Germany imported more Bud polished Weipu, April 28 machine