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近几年来,史学界对太平天国与以儒学为核心的中国传统文化的关系,作了较为深入的研讨。对起义前、起义后至二破江南大营,认识基本趋于一致。但对二破江南大营后,则见仁见智,仍存分歧。如有的学者认为,太平天国对中国传统文化,到太平天国失败前夕,肯定大于否定,继承多于批判,基本上是因袭和继承。或者认为,太平天国自设立删书衙后,那种大规模的焚书、毁书现象不再见诸史乘,代之而行的是保护书和对删书作出种种规定,表明太平天国已放弃了前期对儒家文化的强硬态度,开始运用儒家文化为其统治服务了。但有的学者则认为,1860年太平天国取得二破江南大营之后,洪秀全对儒家态度又发生了趋向激烈排斥的转变。此说虽未作具体论述,笔者依据史实是赞同这一意见的。所以本文拟以太平天国治下的苏南地区为例,对太平天国二破江南大营后的崇教排儒及其得失作一简论,以求教于诸位专家学者。 In recent years, historians have made a more in-depth discussion on the relationship between the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Chinese traditional culture with Confucianism as its core. Before the uprising, after the uprising to the two large camps broken Jiangnan, the basic understanding of the same. However, after breaking the two large camps south of Jiangnan, they have different opinions. Some scholars believe that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is certainly greater than negation of traditional Chinese culture on the eve of the failure of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, inheriting more than criticism, and basically inheriting and inheriting it. Or that the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom since the set delete book Ya, the kind of large-scale burning book, the phenomenon of destruction of the book no longer see the historical ride, instead of protecting the book and delete the book made a variety of provisions that the Taiping Heaven has given up The hard-line attitude toward Confucianism in the early days started to use Confucian culture to serve its rule. However, some scholars think that after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom acquired two large-scale southern battles in 1860, Hong Xiuquan’s attitude toward Confucianism tended to turn violently into a drastic change. Although this statement has not been specifically discussed, the author based on historical facts is in favor of this opinion. Therefore, this paper plans to take the Southern Jiangsu Province under the rule of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom as an example to make a brief introduction of Confucianism and Confucianism and its gains and losses after the break-through of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the south of the Yangtze River in order to learn from the experts and scholars.
阐述了BIM技术的特点及模型。结合某科研建筑案例,进行了火灾模拟,通过烟气蔓延模拟,提出了合理的疏散方案。 Explained the characteristics and model of BIM technology.
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