推进湖北地税事业快速发展 为全省社会经济发展作出更大贡献

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1994年,湖北省地税机构在分税制财政体制建立中诞生。6年来,我们在省委、省政府和国家税务总局的正确领导下,认真贯彻国家税务总局提出的“法治、公平、文明、效率”治税思想,围绕“一年打基础、两年见成效、三年换面貌、四年再提高、五年创一流、六年上台阶”的发展目标,上下一心,克难奋进,在短短的几年时间里,以组织收入为中心的各项地税工作取得突破性进展。地税系统的“两个文明”建设硕果累累。——克难进取,为国聚财,为全省社会稳定、经济建设和改革开放提供财力保证。分税制实施以来,全省地税部门紧紧围绕以组织收入为中心,坚持依法治税,加强征管,连续6年实现了地税收入高速增长。1994年地税机构分设后每年以20%以上的幅度递增,平均每年增收10亿多元。1999年,全省地税部门组织收入达100.2亿元,实现了收入过百亿元的历史性突破。6年来,全省地税部门累计组织地税收入402.3亿元,其增长速度分别高出我省同期 GDP(当年价)、财政收入、全部税收增长速度13.2、0.8和33.1个百分点。1994年至1999年,全省地方工商税收增长154.3%,比全国工商税收增长和全省工商税 In 1994, local tax agencies in Hubei Province were born in the establishment of the tax-sharing system. In the past six years, under the correct leadership of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the State Administration of Taxation, we conscientiously implemented the tax administration philosophy of “rule by law, fairness, civilization and efficiency” put forward by the State Administration of Taxation and set the standard for “ See the effectiveness of three years to change the face, four years and then increase, five years of first-class, six years to the stage ”of the development goals, one by one, hard to forge ahead, in just a few years time, the organization as the center of income The various land tax work made a breakthrough. Land tax system “two civilizations ” building fruitful. - Gramvous and forge ahead, gather money for the country, and provide financial guarantee for the province’s social stability, economic construction and reform and opening up. Since the implementation of the tax-sharing system, local government departments of taxation and taxation in the province have been focusing their attention on the organization of income and insisted on taxing and stewarding taxes according to law, achieving a rapid growth of government revenue for the past six years. In 1994, local tax agencies were set up at an annual rate of more than 20%, with an average annual increase of over 1 billion yuan. In 1999, the provincial land tax department organized a revenue of 10.02 billion yuan and achieved a historic breakthrough of more than 10 billion yuan in revenue. In the past six years, the provincial government tax department has accumulated a total of 40.23 billion yuan in local government revenue, an increase of 13.2, 0.8 and 33.1 percentage points higher than the corresponding GDP (current year), fiscal revenue and total tax revenue of the province. From 1994 to 1999, local industrial and commercial tax revenue in the province increased by 154.3%, higher than the national industrial and commercial tax revenue and the province’s industrial and commercial tax