抓社区党建 建“连心工程”

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近年来,芜湖市从打牢党在城市社区的执政基础,构建和谐芜湖的战略高度出发,围绕实施“连心工程”建设,以服务群众为重点,以凝聚民心为目标,推进“三个创新”,抓住“三个关键”,坚持“三个结合”,扎实开展社区党建工作,有力地促进了城市的改革、发展和稳定。推进“三个创新”,构建社区党建工作的新格局推进工作机制创新。市委成立了以市委主要领导为组长,有关部门主要负责人为成员的社区党建和社区建设工作领导小组,建立了由市委组织部牵头召集的全市社区党建工作联系会议制度。各区成立了社区党建工作指导委员会,街道成立了街道党建工作协调委员会,社区成立了社区党建工作协调组,形成了以社区党建工作领导小组为主导,社区党建工作联系会议和社区党建工作指导委为纽带,街道党建工作协调委为抓手,社区党建工作协调组为依托的社区党建工作网络体系和工作机制。 In recent years, Wuhu City, starting from the solidarity foundation of the ruling party in urban communities and the strategic height of building a harmonious Wuhu, Wuhu City, focusing on serving the masses and focusing on building the people’s livelihood, has pushed forward the “three innovations ”Seizing the“ three key points ”and upholding the“ three unions, ”solidly carried out the party building in the community and effectively promoted the reform, development and stability of the city. Promote the “Three Innovations,” Build a New Pattern of Party Construction in the Community, and Promote Work Mechanism Innovation. Municipal Party Committee established a leading group of community party building and community building with the main leaders of the municipal party committee as the leader and the principal responsible persons of the relevant departments as its members, and established the system of the meeting of the party building in the community in the city led by the organizing committee of the municipal party committee. The district set up a steering committee for the party building in the community, the street set up a coordination committee for street party building, and the community set up a coordinating group for the party building in the community. A leadership team led by the party building in the community, a meeting for the party building in the community, and a steering committee for community party building Link, the party coordination committee for the party construction work as the starting point, the community party construction coordination group as the basis for the work of the community party building network system and working mechanism.
前  言目前 ,随着住宅建设步伐加快 ,墙体材料的需求量与日俱增 ,而继续发展粘土砖生产 ,则与保护耕地 ,节约能源相矛盾。江苏灌河集团新型墙体材料厂利用改性磨细粉煤灰掺
"近几年,中国冰箱行业的发展非常迅猛。家电下乡、以旧换新拉动了内需,也让冰箱市场的规模迅速扩大。以海尔、美的、西门子为代表的冰箱企业纷纷扩充 In recent years, the
在党的十五精神大指引下, 改革开放不断深入, 国民经济持续稳定发展, 新建扩建电厂不断增多, 供电能力大大加强. 然而燃煤电厂排放的灰渣越来越多, 占用了大量耕地, 造成了环