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鲁道夫·维特科夫尔[Rudolf Wittkower, 1901-1971]是出生于德国的英国籍美术史家。他的兴趣广泛,研究领域包括图像学、文艺复兴时期建筑的比例理论和巴洛克艺术的各个方面。其代表作《人文主义时代的建筑原理》[Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism](1949)是建筑史的杰作和必读书,此书改变了流行的看法,使人们用全新的眼光去看待从阿尔贝蒂到帕拉蒂奥的文艺复兴建筑。他的《詹·洛伦佐·贝尔尼尼:罗马的巴洛克雕塑家》[Gian Lorenzo Bernini:The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque](1955)、《温莎堡皇家藏品中的卡拉奇家族素描》[The Drawings of the Carracci in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle] (1952)是研究意大利巴洛克艺术的基础。他的《意大利1600-1750年的艺术和建筑》[Art and Architecture in Italy,1600 to 1750](1958)更是获得了弗莱彻奖[Bannister Fletcher Prize]。本文出自其论文集《寓言和象征的迁移》[Allegory and the Migration of Symbols](1 977)。全书共收论文14篇,谈论了观念通过视觉方式获得的传播。此书既没有从风格上,也没有按年代顺序对艺术作品进行分析,但各篇亦非完全独立,全书贯穿着作者对各类艺术间相互依赖、相互渗透的兴趣。这些文章涉及面十分广阔,从高雅艺术到民间艺术,从欧洲艺术到东方艺术,展现了作者用图像学的方法分析作品的精彩个案。 Rudolf Wittkower [1901-1971] is a British art historian born in Germany. He has a wide range of interests and his research interests include imageology, proportional theory of Renaissance architecture and various aspects of Baroque art. Its masterpiece “Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism” (1949) is a masterpiece of architectural history and a must read, the book changed the popular view, so that people with a new vision to look at from Al Betty to the Palatine’s Renaissance building. His “Gian Lorenzo Bernini: The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque” (1955), “The Drawings of the Windsor Collection the Carracci in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle] (1952) is the basis for the study of Baroque art in Italy. His ”Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600 to 1750“ (1958) won the Bannister Fletcher Prize. This article is based on his essay ”Allegory and the Migration of Symbols" (1 977). The book received a total of 14 papers, talk about the concept of visual access to the spread. The book does neither analyze the works of art in the style nor in chronological order, but the articles are also not completely independent. The book runs through the author’s interest in the interdependence and mutual infiltration of various kinds of art. These articles cover a wide range of topics ranging from elegant art to folk art, from European art to Eastern art, and showcase the author’s brilliant case studies of works using the method of imageology.
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