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一车滑出县城的时候,李晓清紧绷的神经松弛了下来,畅快地舒了一口气。过去不开车的时候,总感觉县城的马路好宽。一个人走在马路中间,也没见后面有“嘟嘟”的车喇叭催促。现在却大不同了,马路上很难看得到走路的人,尽是一些像乌龟那样慢慢爬的车。过了一座桥,就是县城通往白水乡的路了。就几天的时间,马路两边的野草疯长起来,像两条葱翠的绿带,沿着马路一直飘去。间不了多远,路边就会出现一大蓬野蔷薇,红的紫的,粉的白的,开得茂盛而鲜艳,献媚似的向过往的路人频频招摇。李晓清摁下一半车窗玻璃,一股清新的风吹进来,顿时觉得整个人神清气爽。换做平日,他会放慢速度, A car slipped out of the county, Li Xiaoqing tight nerves relaxed, soothing and relieved. In the past when not driving, always feel the county wide streets. A person walking in the middle of the road, did not see behind the “beep ” car horn urging. Now it’s a big difference, and people who are hard to see on the road are all climbing slowly like turtles. After a bridge, that is the way to Baishui Township. In a matter of days, the weeds on both sides of the road grew mad like two lush green belts and drifted along the road. Not far between the roadside there will be a large Punta rose, red purple, pink white, open and lush and bright, like flattering past passers-by. Li Xiaoqing 摁 the next half of the windows, a fresh wind came in, suddenly felt the whole body refreshed. For weekdays, he will slow down,