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党的十一届三中全会揭开了中国的改革帷幕,从此,我国进入了社会主义现代化建设的新的历史时期。改革十年来,我国的社会主义建设事业取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。十年的税收改革,同样取得了重大成就,这主要表现在:第一,双主体、多功能的复税制体系初步建立了起来。由于建国后的前三十年,一直把 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has unveiled the curtain of reform in China, China has entered a new historical period of socialist modernization. Ten years of reform, China’s socialist construction has made remarkable achievements that attract worldwide attention. The tax reforms of the past decade have also achieved major successes. The main achievements are as follows: First, a dual-subject and multi-purpose system of tax reform has been initially established. Since the founding of the first three decades, has been put
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由于本区旱改水面积的扩大、水稻单产的提高、稻田生态系营养和温湿条件的改善,近年来劳氏粘虫Mythimna lorgi(Dup.)对水稻的为害趋向加重。1983~1985年,我们对其发生规律和
近年来麦叶蜂Dolerus tritici Chu在潍坊市麦田日益严重,已上升为小麦主要害虫。为控制此害虫,我们在室内进行了饲养观察,初报如下。 In recent years, wheat leaf bee Dol
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稻秆潜蝇 chlorops oryzae(Matsumura)属双翅目黄潜蝇料。我省主要分布在龙泉、遂昌、庆元、晋云、仙居、临安、新昌等山区,已成为水稻上的一大害虫之一。我县从七七年开始