主题内容认知 主题内容范围:北美和拉美独立革命;亚洲革命风暴;19世纪末2 0世纪初亚非拉民族民主运动;一战后亚非独立运动;2 0世纪三四十年代反法西斯的民族解放运动;二战后第三世界的崛起、亚洲经济的发展等基本史实。主题复习目标:掌握重要国家和地区民族解放运动的基本史
Topic Contents Cognitive Theme Contents: North American and Latin American Independent Revolution; Asian Revolutionary Storm; Asian-African National Democratic Movement in the Late 19th Century; Early 20th Century Early Republican-African National Democratic Movement;Asia-Africa Independent Movement after World War I; Anti-Fascist Nationalities in the 1930s and 1940s The liberation movement; the rise of the Third World after the Second World War; the development of Asian economies and other basic historical facts. Theme review goals: master the basic history of national liberation movements in important countries and regions