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今年初,某地为了推动农业产业结构调整,采取行政命令手段,强行要求机关干部与农民合股种地。并规定,干部与农民合股调整种植的面积不少于5亩,干部投入的资金不得少于1000元。干部们被逼无奈,只好违心从命;农民盛情难却,只好忍痛割爱,有的甚至将已播种的作物拔除 Earlier this year, a certain place in order to promote the adjustment of agricultural industry structure, the use of administrative order means, forcing cadres and farmers forced joint-stock farming. And stipulates that the joint cultivation of cadres and farmers planted an area of ​​not less than 5 acres, cadres invested not less than 1000 yuan. The cadres were forced to do so, but they had no choice but to give up their lives; peasants were so passionate that they had to reluctantly loathe their loves, and some even plucked the crops they had sown
春雨春雨沙沙沙,浇开满街伞花花。团团像流云,朵朵似飞霞。描出小镇一幅画。 Spring rain and rustle sand, pouring open street umbrella flowers. Like a cloud of clou
1.请来灿烂的金太阳,请来皎洁的银月亮,2.金色的太阳告诉我,祖辈翻身全靠党, 1. Come to the brilliant golden sun, invited to the silver moon, 2. The golden sun told
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1.豌豆花张开紫色的翅膀,蚕豆花的黑眼睛2.豌豆花蚕豆花开得真漂亮,因为你们的根在地下在张望,大路上走来一队红领巾,吸足营养。我们每天吸取知识的琼浆, 1. pea open purpl
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毛爷爷,亲又亲,救国为民恩情深,开国礼炮震天下,东方红歌声暖民心。 Grandpa Mao, pro and pro, save the country for the people deep love, salute the world salute, E
新世纪的第一年匆匆过去了,在新的一年闪亮登场时,追求时尚的你是否还陶醉在上一年的时尚风潮中沾沾自喜?新年新气象,新年新时尚。新的一 The first year of the new centur