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vivo X5 Pro新机拍摄记这是一场特殊的拍摄,受vivo委托,在新机X5Pro发布前拍摄一组大片,为了能更好地体现产品特性,拍摄地点选在了有天空之镜美称的南美洲玻利维亚乌尤尼盐沼。1地点天空之镜入选作为合作伙伴,我们有幸提前两个月见到了vivo X5 Pro这款手机,精细的做工、2.5D的完美弧度和泛蓝的外 Vivo X5 Pro shot of a new machine This is a special shooting, commissioned by the body, in the new machine X5Pro shot before the release of a large group, in order to better reflect the product features, shooting location selected in the sky mirror reputation South America Bolivia Uyuni salt marsh. 1 Location Sky Mirror selected as a partner, we have the honor to see the vivo X5 Pro this phone two months in advance, fine workmanship, 2.5D perfect arc and the pan-blue outside
Laboratory and field tests on our newly developed embeddable reference electrode for reinforced concrete show it can be embedded into reinforced concrete struc
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Summarized results of studies on the physical and interfacial chemistry of the Huanghe estuary are presented as follows: 1. The relationship between the exchan
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