
来源 :中国书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a1lan
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我生在农村,长在农村。小学没毕业就失学了,随后种了几年地。偶然的机会我进了城市,在粮店卖过粮,在工厂烧过锅炉,后来又当了小学教师。也是偶然的机会。我考入了辽宁大学中文系本科。如果没有此前的刻苦进修和自学,即使有机会也没用。四年大学寒窗生涯,我深研中国古代文学。在学校我最尊敬的两位教授是张震泽教授和阎简弼教授。毕业时他们都给我题写了书法作品。张震泽教授还特赋七言律一首以送别,又画了两幅画作并题辞以资鼓励。我毕业后分配在大学,教中国古代文学和古代汉语。后来也是偶然的机会我改了行,到文物部门搞古代书画鉴定。为了鉴别真伪,必须穷究毫末。也须向专 I was born in the countryside and grew up in the countryside. Primary school did not graduate from school, then planted a few years. By chance I went to town, sold food at a grain store, burned a boiler at a factory, then became a primary school teacher. It is also a chance. I was admitted to Liaoning University, Department of Chinese undergraduate. Without the previous hard work and self-study, even if there is no use. Four years of university window-freezing career, I deeply study ancient Chinese literature. My two most respected professors at the school are Professor Zhang Zhenze and Professor Yan Jianbi. They all wrote calligraphic works upon graduation. Professor Zhang Zhenze also specializes in seven words and one law to farewell, but also painted two paintings and the inscription to encourage. After graduation I was assigned to university and taught Chinese ancient literature and ancient Chinese. Later, I also changed the chance by chance, to the cultural relics department to engage in ancient calligraphy and painting appraisal. In order to identify the authenticity, we must do nothing. Must also be dedicated
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