
来源 :金秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duyalengp
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在城里,我有一个土碗,是进城那年,娘送给我的。娘送我的那个土碗,偶尔望上一眼,想起娘的话,顿觉欣慰,因为我天天吃上饱饭,人到中年体形还发了福。三十岁那年,娘才对我说,送你的那个土碗,是怕你在城里活不下去了,就回来,靠那一亩三分地,也饿不死人。娘还说,人一瞎想,往往命就不长。我在城里,从不挑食。堂们告诉我,肚子饿得快掉气那年,扒了树皮在铁锅里煮来吃,吃了不消化,拉不出来,就撑着肚子爬剑树上去吼叫。 In the city, I have a soil bowl, is the city that year, mother gave me. Mother sent me that earth bowl, and occasionally glanced, think of her words, feel relieved, because I eat every day, people also made a blessing to the middle-aged figure. At the age of thirty, the lady said to me that the soil that gave you was afraid that you would not be able to survive in the city. Mother also said that people are blind, often life is not long. I am in the city, never picky eaters. The hall told me that the hungry was out of gas that year, the bark of the bake cooked in the wok to eat, eat indigestible, can not pull out, to keep the bell climbing on the stomach tree roar.
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前段时间,由于身体欠佳,我提前休了年假,回到偏远的东北老家小住半月。说来惭愧,自从远嫁他乡,我每年回家的次数便只限于数得清的两三次。其实,并不是抽不出时间,只是源于一种惰性罢了。人有时候像一只庸懒的蚕,孕育自己的窝再温暖,一旦破茧而出,便忘记了家的存在。  母亲的身子尚且硬朗,我能回家她自然欢喜,每日不重样地为我调理一日三餐。上了年岁的她依然记得我的口味,并将我喜欢吃的每样菜做到极致。在母亲身边,
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我家现有几件祖传文物,因为要购买商品房,经济比较拮据,所以想将祖传文物出售,但我不太了解我国有关文物方面的保护法规。请问,私人有权处理自己所有或收藏的文物吗? My fa
一纸判决、四份裁定,长达四年无法兑现。再审判决后,被告却已被宣告破产,执行还是渺茫。 A paper decision, four rulings, up to four years can not be honored. After th
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