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目的针对2015年达州市农村饮用水丰水期水质卫生监测结果进行分析,了解达州市2015年农村饮用水丰水期水质卫生状况,为进一步提高达州市农村饮用水安全提供技术支持。方法按照生活饮用水卫生标准(GB/T 5750-2006)对所采集的861件水样进行检测和开展水质卫生学调查。结果 861件水样中,集中式供水840件(97.56%),分散式供水21件(2.44%);其中526件水样所在地配备了消毒设施设备,占样品总数的61.09%;无消毒设施设备335份,占样品总数的38.91%;553份已消毒处理的水样中,以漂白粉、二氧化氯为主,分别占样品总数的46.65%和45.21%。水样合格数585件,总合格率为67.94%,指标合格率分别为:一般化学指标合格率97.68%;毒理指标合格率96.74%;感官性状指标合格率94.54%;微生物指标合格率73.17%。结论 2015农村饮用水丰水期水质卫生状况总体好于2014年,水质合格率呈上升趋势,但部分农村地区饮用水卫生仍然不容乐观,微生物超标仍居首位,铝、氯酸盐、亚氯酸盐有微升趋势。这提示在以后的工作中应该加强农村饮用水设备设施、水处理技术能力建设、强化制水人员的专业培训、供水单位的卫生管理和水质自捡能力,切实做好监督检查工作,以此提高农村饮水卫生质量。 Objective To analyze the water quality sanitary monitoring results of drinking water in Dazhou during the wet season in 2015, and to understand the sanitary status of Dazhou rural drinking water during the wet season in 2015 and provide technical support for further improving the drinking water safety in rural areas in Dazhou. Methods According to the drinking water health standard (GB / T 5750-2006), the collected 861 water samples were tested and water quality hygiene investigation was carried out. Results Among 861 water samples, 840 were centralized water supply (97.56%) and distributed water supply was 21 (2.44%). Among them, 526 water samples were provided with disinfection facilities and equipment, accounting for 61.09% of the total samples. Non-sterilized facilities and equipment 335, accounting for 38.91% of the total samples. Of the 553 disinfected water samples, bleaching powder and chlorine dioxide accounted for 46.65% and 45.21% of the total sample respectively. 585 qualified water samples, the total pass rate was 67.94%, the pass rate indicators were: general chemical indicators pass rate of 97.68%; toxicological indicators pass rate of 96.74%; sensory traits passing rate of 94.54%; microbial pass rate of 73.17% . Conclusion The quality of sanitation of drinking water in rural areas during the wet season was generally better than that of 2014, with the passing rate of water quality showing an upward trend. However, sanitation of drinking water in some rural areas was still not optimistic and the top of microorganisms exceeded the standard. Aluminum, chlorate, Sour salt has a slight upward trend. This suggests that in the future work should strengthen the rural drinking water equipment and facilities, water treatment technology capacity-building, strengthen the professional training of water personnel, water supply units of health management and water quality self-picking capacity, and earnestly carry out supervision and inspection work to enhance Rural drinking water hygiene quality.