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最高人民法院院长肖扬近日表示,中国各级法院将加大执行工作力度,对涉及国有企业的执行案件采取各种方式,保证严格执法,为国有企业改革和发展提供良好的司法保障和优质的法律服务。肖扬指出,当前,国有企业积累了不少矛盾和问题。如部分企业生产经营陷入困境,资产负债率高,不良债务较多,效益下降,亏损严重。对於国有企业作为申请执行人的案件,要加大执行力度,努力实现国有企业的债权,为其实现脱困目标,提高经济效益,促进企业发展创造条件。对於国有企业作为被执行人的案件,要努力探索新的执行思路和 Xiao Yang, president of the Supreme People’s Court, said recently that the courts at all levels in China will step up their implementation and take various measures in implementing execution cases involving state-owned enterprises to ensure strict enforcement of laws and provide good judicial guarantees and quality for the reform and development of state-owned enterprises legal service. Xiao Yang pointed out: At present, state-owned enterprises have accumulated many contradictions and problems. For instance, some enterprises are in a difficult position in production and operation, with high debt-to-asset ratio, more bad debts, diminishing returns and serious losses. As for the state-owned enterprises as the executors, it is necessary to step up enforcement efforts and strive to realize the claims of state-owned enterprises so as to create conditions for realizing the goal of recovery from difficulties, increasing economic efficiency and promoting the development of enterprises. For cases involving state-owned enterprises as the executors, efforts should be made to explore new ways of implementation and implementation
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教练安慰败下阵来的拳击手:“没关系,第五局的时候,你不是也把他吓得够呛嘛。” The coach comforted the defeated boxer: “It doesn’t matter. You didn’t scare him e
奶奶的生活五十年前的一个早上。晨雾笼罩着大地,万物渐渐地从沉睡中苏醒,早晨的到来,宣告着新的一天降临!在那间破烂不堪的茅草屋前,一个赤脚、穿着单衣的小女孩弓着 The m
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