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普通沥青混凝土路面黏层油洒布量一般为0.3~0.5 kg/m2。西安咸阳国际机场专用高速公路上面层采用排水性沥青混凝土路面,为了确保层间封水黏结效果,经过性能试验优选,确定采用SBS改性乳化沥青作为封水黏结层材料。通过试验,确定洒布量为0.6 kg/m2时可以满足封水黏结功能要求。但在施工中发现,采用常规的单层洒布法施工后,黏层油与下承层黏结不牢固,施工时出现脱落、黏轮现象,而按0.3 kg/m2+0.3 kg/m2的洒布量分两层施工,每层破乳时间间隔12 h以上,整体洒布效果良好。 Ordinary asphalt concrete pavement layer of oil sprinkling amount is generally 0.3 ~ 0.5 kg / m2. In order to ensure the sealing effect of interlayer sealing water, a drainage asphalt concrete pavement is used for the upper layer of Xi’an Xianyang International Airport Special Expressway. After performance test optimization, it is determined that SBS modified emulsified asphalt is used as the sealing water bonding layer material. Through the test, to determine the sprinkling amount of 0.6 kg / m2 can meet the seal water bonding function requirements. However, during the construction, it was found that after the conventional single-layer sprinkling method was applied, the adhesion between the viscous layer oil and the lower bearing layer was not strong and the shedding and sticking wheel phenomenon occurred during the construction. However, the sprinkling of 0.3 kg / m2 + 0.3 kg / m2 The amount of cloth divided into two layers of construction, demulsification each time interval of more than 12 h, the overall sprinkling good results.
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介绍了西安咸阳国际机场专用高速公路总体设计情况。 The overall design of Xi’an Xianyang International Airport expressway is introduced.
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结合实际工程,介绍了振冲碎石桩的基本加固原理和施工工艺。 Combined with the actual project, the basic principle and construction technology of vibro replacement
为了检验半刚性基层施工中压实质量的稳定性,通过概率分布规律,提出控制图分析、正态分布下的方差分析和假设检验方法,并根据数据分析繁复的问题开发了相关运算程序。 In or