认真学习贯彻《实施纲要》 坚持教育、制度、监督并重

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中共中央近日颁布的《建立健全教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要》(以下简称《实施纲要》),是当前和今后一个时期深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐败工作的指导性文件。坚持标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的方针,建立健全与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系,是党中央从完成经济社会发展的重大任务和巩固党的执政地位的全局出发,为做好新形势下反腐倡廉工作作出的重大战略决策。这是我们党对执政规律和反腐倡廉工作规律认识的进一步深化,是从源头上防治腐败的根本举措,对于提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位,具有极其重要的意义。为了帮助大家深入学习贯彻《实施纲要》,现将文件的部分内容摘编如下。 The Outline for the Implementation of the System of Punishing and Preventing Corruption, Equal Attention to Education, Institutions and Supervision, promulgated by the CPC Central Committee recently (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Outline”) is the guide for further developing the party's work style and building a clean and honest administration and fighting corruption in the current and future period Sexual documents. To uphold the principle of tackling both the root and root cause of the symptoms, comprehensively treating, punishing and guarding against each other's strengths, and paying attention to the principle of prevention and establishing a sound system of punishment and prevention of corruption that pays equal attention to education, system and supervision in accordance with the socialist market economic system is the CPC Central Committee's major economic and social development Tasks and consolidating the party's ruling status in the light of the overall situation and doing a good job in fighting corruption and promoting clean government in the new situation made major strategic decisions. This is a further deepening of our party's understanding of the law governing the work and the work on fighting corruption and building a clean government. It is a fundamental measure of preventing and controlling corruption from the source and is of great significance to enhancing the party's ability to govern and consolidating the party's ruling position. In order to help everyone to thoroughly study and implement the “Implementation Outline,” part of the document is now edited as follows.
英语越来越受到重视,汉语却显得有些式微。在加速走向“世界”的今天,中国人竟需要用考级的方式来提高母语能力    2011年7月26日,首个针对汉语为母语的人群进行考查的“汉语能力测试”对外发布,10月,该测试将率先在上海、江苏、云南、内蒙古试点实施。   “目前我国已有一些汉语能力测试,如普通话等级测试、针对留学生的汉语水平考试,以及针对少数民族的汉语测试,但是缺少针对汉语为母语人群的听说读写全面