
来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaofenglanzi
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以1954年新收获的晚粳稻老来青为材料,用日晒方法处理成13.8%、15.2%、17.2%、19.6% 4种水分,装在玻璃瓶中储藏在15°、25°及35℃ 3种温度的温箱中,每种水分又分为通气与密闭贮藏两种方式,三个月后测定发芽率、脂肪酸值、维生素B_1的含量,检查霉菌的种类与数量,并定米的等级,所得结果如下:1.从保持发芽率来看,贮藏稻谷种实时,在35℃中的水分应低于13%,在25℃中应不超过15%,及在15℃中不宜超过17%。2.储藏了三个月之后,各种处理的稻谷脂肪酸值都较储藏开始时有不同的增高,影响脂肪酸值增高的因素,第一是高温,其次是高水分。3.米的等级随稻谷脂肪酸值增高而降低,但维生素B_1并没有什么变化。4.每克稻谷上附有霉菌孢子的数目在通气与密闭两种保藏下显然不同。就中在通气情况下各种温度间的差别远大于密闭者。5.从霉菌的类别来讲,共分离有麹霉、细链椹菌、短孢子菌、草生链双孢子菌、玫瑰头状孢子菌、新月湾孢子菌、镰刀菌、稻胡麻斑病菌、螺旋孢子菌、稻黑孢子菌、毛霉、青霉、黑点菌、及贝氐有尾孢子菌等14类。在35℃中通气储藏稻谷上的主要霉菌是麹霉、毛霉、及青霉。密闭贮藏稻谷上是青霉及贝氏有尾孢子菌等。在25℃及15℃中通气与密闭贮藏的稻谷上,则该14类霉菌一一俱全。6.新收的粳稻一般出米为上白粳,在贮藏三个月后,若希望等级不下降,水分含量在35℃中应低于14%,25℃中不应超过14%,15℃中可在15%左右。7.这篇论文讨论了稻谷发芽率、脂肪酸值、维生素B_1含量,霉菌数量及类别,与米的等级间有一定的复杂相互关系,指出进一步用生理生化研究粮食贮藏的必要性。 The new late-blooming rice Laolingqing, which was harvested in 1954, was treated with the sun at 13.8%, 15.2%, 17.2% and 19.6%, and stored in glass bottles at 15 °, 25 ° and 35 ° C Three kinds of temperature thermostat, each moisture is divided into ventilation and closed storage in two ways, three months after the determination of germination rate, fatty acid value, vitamin B_1 content, check the type and quantity of mold, and set the level of rice , The results obtained are as follows: 1. From the perspective of germination, storage of rice seeds in real time, the water should be less than 13% at 35 ℃, 25 ℃ should not exceed 15%, and 15 ℃ should not exceed 17% . After three months of storage, the contents of fatty acid in different treatments were higher than those at the beginning of storage, the factors affecting the increase of fatty acid value were high temperature, followed by high moisture. The level of rice decreased with the increase of the fatty acid value of rice, but the vitamin B_1 did not change much. 4. The number of mold spores per gram of rice apparently varies between aerated and airtight. In the case of ventilation in a variety of temperatures is much greater than the difference between closed. 5. In terms of mold category, a total of isolated Penicillium, Streptococcus sobrinus, short spore, Streptomyces argentinum, Rose head spore, Crescent Bay spores, Fusarium, rice rhizosphere, Spirulina, black sporotrichum, Mucor, Penicillium, black spot bacteria, and Cochliobolus spicatus and other 14 categories. Ventilation at 35 ℃ storage of rice on the main mold is Penicillium, Mucor, and Penicillium. Closed storage of rice is Penicillium and Beryllium spores and so on. In the 25 ℃ and 15 ℃ aeration and closed storage of rice, then the 14 kinds of mold one by one. 6. The newly-picked japonica rice is usually rice and is white rice. After three months of storage, if the grade is not to be lowered, the moisture content should be lower than 14% at 35 ℃ and 14% at 25 ℃ and 15 ℃ In about 15%. 7. This paper discusses the rice germination rate, fatty acid value, vitamin B_1 content, the number and type of mold, and rice grades have some complex interrelationship, pointing out the need for further physiological and biochemical studies of grain storage.
中图分类号:G633.6  在初中教材中,对二次函数作了较详细的研究,由于初中学生基础薄弱,又受其接受能力的限制,这部份内容的学习多是机械的,很难从本质上加以理解。进入高中以后,尤其是高三复习阶段,要对他们的基本概念和基本性质(图象以及单调性、奇偶性、有界性)灵活应用,对二次函数还需再深入学习。  一、进一步深入理解函数概念  初中阶段已经讲述了函数的定义,进入高中后在学习集合的基础上又学习了映射
中图分类号:G623.5  所谓教学生活化,是指在教学过程中坚持理论联系实际的原则,立足于学生生活实际和社会实际,将教材知识与日常生活相联系,从而使枯燥深奥的课本知识变得生动有趣、浅显易懂。  众所周知,知识源于生活,用于生活,数学更是如此。因此,在数学教学中,教师应将数学知识与学生的实际生活紧密结合,重视从学生的生活实践和已有的知识中引导学生学习数学和理解数学,进而使学生能从现实生活中发现相关的
目的 要研究应用引导性骨再生(guided bone regeneration,GBR)技术能否在腭板缺损中形成良好的骨形成,为临床治疗腭裂提供更加科学有效的方法。腭部骨生成中细胞生成、分化、以
中图分类号:G633.3  成功的教学,一方面要遵循教学规律,另一方面也必须合乎美学的规律。著名的语文教育学家刘国正先生说过:“语文教学既要有严谨的科学性,又要有感人的艺术性。”“感人的艺术性”源自哪里?源自美的挖掘与创造。那么,在教学过程中,如何根据中学生的年龄特征、知识基础、心理素质,凭借教材,挖掘美学的因素,营造宽松和谐的气氛,创造美的意境,这是当前语文界教学改革中的一个新课题,是时下素质教