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我国养老保险改革以来,基金规模不断扩大,但从近几年起,各地纷纷反映,养老保险费征收难度越来越大,突出地表现在企业拖欠养老保险费的数额大幅度上升。统计资料显示,1997年东台市172家企业累计拖欠养老保险费3705.75万元,比上年累计拖欠额2394.48万元上升了54.76%,仅1997年一年就拖欠1434.75万元,比1996年全年欠交额1105.10万元,上升了29.83%。正由于拖欠严重,1997年发生收支倒挂217.10万元。如此巨额的拖欠,已制约着养老保险事业的发展。企业拖欠养老保险费的 Since the reform of pension insurance in China, the fund scale has been continuously expanded. But in recent years, all over the country have reflected that it is more and more difficult to impose the old-age insurance premiums. This shows that the amount of the old-age insurance premiums owed by enterprises has risen sharply. Statistics show that in 1997, 172 enterprises in Dongtai City owed a total of 37,057,500 yuan in arrears of old-age insurance premiums, an increase of 54.76% over the accumulated amount of 23,948,800 yuan in arrears in the previous year. They only owed 14,347,500 yuan in arrears in 1997 alone, Due to the amount of 11.051 million yuan, an increase of 29.83%. As a result of the serious default, a balance of 2.171 million yuan was spent on income and expenditure in 1997. Such a huge amount of arrears has restricted the development of pension insurance. Enterprise arrears pension insurance
目的:观察缺氧大鼠右心室心肌胶原网架改建的特点,并探讨血浆Ⅲ型前胶原( P CⅢ)含量的变化是否能反映心肌胶原含量和浓度的变化。方法:40 只 Wistar大鼠分为两组:①常氧对照组;②慢性缺氧组:缺
1998年美国Amgen公司的LaceyDL等首次克隆了osteoprotegerin的配体(OPGL),它是肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)家族的新成员。最近KongYY等通过基因缺失小鼠研究了OPGL的诸多功能。人OPGL和鼠OPGL分别为317aa和316a In 1998, LaceyDL, Amgen Company of America,
目的:探讨幽门螺杆菌( H P)感染对胃粘膜上皮细胞凋亡的影响,揭示 H P与胃癌的关系。方法:利用 D N A 缺口末端标记技术对正常胃粘膜、 H P阳性和 H P阴性胃良性病变及胃癌等130 例活检组织进行
Word of the day:App App is an informal way of talking about a computer application,which is a computer programme that allows you to do something on a computer,s
根据大鼠脑Ⅰ型Na+通道片段的氨基酸序列人工合成一个 2 2肽———IS4肽 ,在一定的实验条件下IS4肽可嵌入培养的大鼠骨骼肌细胞膜并形成离子通道 .采用膜片箝细胞贴附式方法