1942年4月18日,美国陆军航空队中校杜利特尔率16架B—25型轰炸机首次袭击日本本土:东京、横滨、名古屋、神户。人们通常将这次行动称之为“杜利特尔轰炸”。 杜利特尔一行在整个空袭过程中没有一架飞机被日本击落,但返航后除一架飞机迫降在海参崴外,其余飞机全部坠落在中国沿海和浙赣地区。 日本为报复这次行动并摧毁浙赣地区的机场,发动了浙赣战役,中国军民伤亡达25万人。 美国为何要实施这一有去无还的攻击?应当如何评价这一行动的战略战术得失?这些都
On April 18, 1942, Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle of the U.S. Army Air Corps attacked Japan for the first time in 16 B-25 bombers: Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya and Kobe. People usually call this operation “Doolittle bombing.” During the air raid, none of Doolittle’s aircraft was shot down by Japan, but all but one of the aircraft landed in Vladivostok after returning home. All the other aircraft crashed into China’s coastal areas and the areas of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Jiangxi. In retaliation for the operation and the destruction of the airport in the Zhejiang-Jiangxi region, Japan launched the Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign, killing and wrestling 250,000 Chinese people and civilians. Why should the United States carry out this attack that has gone back and forth? How should we evaluate the strategic gains and losses of this operation?