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  英语中总有些句子太难,大家可能看不懂他们的意思,其实只要学会调整语序就能解决这些难题。以下测试题中都有共性,如名词性从句、让步状语从句、感叹句、“the more,the more”句型以及非谓语做定语。它们的共性就是把相关的名词短语后移,做宾语、主语或表语;形容词后移做表语。现在就动手来做做这些测试题吧!
  1.The poor young man is ready to accept __________ help he can get.
  A whichever B.however
  C.whatever D.whenever
  2.I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize _________silly mistakes I had made.
   A.that B.what
  C.how D.which
  3.You should try to get a good night’s sleep, _________ much work you have to do.
  A.howeverB.no matter
  C.although D.whatever
  4.The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. _________ it was!
  A.What a dangerous scene
  B.What dangerous a scene
  C.How a dangerous scene
  D.How dangerous the scene
  5. _________, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.
   A.Strange as might it sound
  B.As it might sound strange
  C.As strange it might sound
  D.Strange as it might sound
  6. _________ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.
  A.So successful her business was
  B.So successful was her business
  C.So her business was successful
  D.So was her successful business
  7. _________about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.
  A.So curious the couple was
  B.So curious were the couple
  C.How curious the couple were
  D.The couple was such curious
  8.Who would you rather have ____________ with you?
  A.goB.to go
  9.Mum is coming.What present ___________for your birthday? 
  A.you expect she has got
  B.you expect has she got
  C.do you expect she has got
  D.do you expect has she got
  10.No pains, no gains-you see, the harder you try, ___________.
  A.the greater progress you’ll make
  B.the greater progress will you make
  C.the greater will you make progress
  D.the greater you’ll make progress
  11. ___________, Carolina couldn’t get the door open.
  A.Try as she mightB.As she might try 
  C.She might as tryD.Might she as try 
  12.-What did your parents think about your decision?
  -They always let me do ___________I think I should.
  C.howD.what 
  13. ___________ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.
  A.No matter what 
  B.No matter which
  D.Whichever 
  14.He tried his best to solve the problem, ___________difficult it was.
  A.however B.no matter
  C.whatever D.although 
  15.We won’t stop halfway___________great the difficulties might be.
  A.whatever B.however
  16.What great difficulty we had ___________ her!
  A.persuade B.to persuade
  C.persuadingD.persuaded 
  17.The old tower must be saved, ___________the cost.
  A.however B.whatever
  C.whicheverD.wherever 
  18.How pleased the emperor was___________ what the cheats said!
  A.hearing B.heard
  C.hearD.to hear 
  19. ___________, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.
  A.However the story is amusing
  B.No matter amusing the story is
  C.However amusing the story is
  D.No matter how the story is amusing
  20. ___________rich certain natural resources may be, they cannot replace themselves and are surely to be used up in time.
  C.How D.No matter 
  21. ___________, his family will wait for him to have dinner together.
  A.However he is late 
  B.However late he is
  C.No matter how late is he
  D.No matter he is how late
  22. ___________, one should enrich his knowledge.
  A.No matter how his learning is great
  B.However his learning is great
  C.However great his learning is
  D.No matter great his learning is
  23. ___________ that all of us can’t imagine how the human beings have made space exploration.
  A.So mysterious space technology is
  B.Space technology is such mysterious
  C.How mysterious space technology is
  D.So mysterious is space technology
  24.So ___________ that all the wounded ought to be sent to hospital as soon as possible.
  A.serious injured they are
  B.seriously injured they are
  C.serious injured are they
  D.seriously injured are they
  25.Those who were left alone in the cave knew better than the others ___________ sounds bats in the dark made.
  A.that frightening
  B.which frightening
  C.what frightening
  D.how frightening 
  26. ___________, he managed to finish it in time.
  A.The job was hard
  B.Hard as was the job
  C.Hard as the job was
  D.Hard was the job
  27.As far as I am concerned, education is about learning, and the more you learn, ___________.
  A.the more for life are you equipped
  B.the more equipped for life you are
  C.the more life you are equipped for
  D.you are equipped the more for life
  28.Don’t forget to examine the test paper you have just finished ___________ the possible mistakes in it.
  B.to correct
  C.and corrected
  D.having corrected
  29.Whom had you better___________ it?
  A.to let doB.let to do
  C.let doD.to let to do
  30.-The plan___________for the trip is very important.
   -I see, but he is sure to work it out on time.
  A.made B.to be made
  C.making D.has been made
  31.The plant which___________ medicine is widely grown in this area.
  A.used to make
  B.are used to making 
  C.is used to make
  D.used to make
  32.There are five pairs ___________, but I’m at a loss which to buy.
  A.to be chosenB.to choose from
  C.to chooseD.for choosing
  33.The way she thought of ___________enough money was to sell her hair.
  A.got B.to get
  C.getting D.get 
  34.Henry Ford’s introduction of the assembly line vastly reduced the time it took___________.
  A.to make a car
  B.for making a car
  C.making a car
  D.a car to make
  35.-I heard you were invited to the President’s party.
  -Yes, I was surprised at how easy the President was _________
  A.for talking B.talking to
  C.to talk D.to talk to 
  36.The flowers________sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.
  A.to smellB.smelling
  C.smellD.to be smelt
  37.Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV.There are pictures ________in your mind instead of before your eyes.
  A.formed B.being formed
  C.forming D.forms
  38. We all demanded the new type of machine ________ put into use as soon as possible.
  A.refer toB.referred to be
  C.refer to beD.referring be
  39.Will those________the children from abroad come to the headmaster’s office?
  A.teaching B.teach
  C.who teaches D.who teaching
  40.A television program ________ “Kim’ll fix it” invites viewers to say what they really want to do.
  A.being called B.having called
  C.callingD.called 
  41.The Yellow River, ________to be “the mother river”, runs across China like a huge dragon.
  A.saying B.so say
  C.said D.being said
  42.The badly wounded soldier I attended ________ his lips as if ________ something.
  A.moved; saying
  B.to moved; saying 
  C.to move; to say
  D.was moving; said
  43.The news you brought her had no other effect except ________ all his friends more worried about his safety.
  A.make B.making
  C.to make D.made
  44.The TV set he ________ works well now.
  A.has repairing
  B.having repaired
  C.has been repaired
  D.has had repaired
  45.The time he has devoted in the past years________the disable is now considered ________of great value.
  A.to help; being
  B.to helping; to be
  C.to help; to be
  D.helping; being
  46.This is an early church, ________ from the ninth century, which was rebuilt under the direction of San. Carlo Borromeo.
  A.datedB.being dated
  47.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ________ the desert.
  A.covering B.covered
  C.cover D.to cover
  48.Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ________ some schools for poor children.
  A.set upB.setting up
  C.have set upD.having set up
  49.-What do you think of the middle school?
   -It is a very good ________.
  A.school to study
  B.school to study in 
  C.studying school
  D.school for children to study
  50.Who did the teacher have ________an article for the wall newspaper just now?
  C.writeD.to write
  11-15:ADDAB 16-20:CBDCA
  21-25:BCDDC 26-30:CBBCB
  31-35:CBBAD 36-40:BCBAD
   (责任编辑 黄晓 周候辰)
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