小S和谢娜合开餐厅卖甜品 互相调侃引笑声

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日前,小S和谢娜现身北京,为合开的甜品店开业做宣传,两位男“闺蜜”胡兵和李维嘉也到场助阵。在活动现场,两位辣女主持犀利依旧,不停互相调侃,引得现场笑声一片。“虽然她没有我红,但是我还是愿意接纳这个新朋友。”提及闺蜜谢娜,小S发挥自己“语不惊人死不休”的风格,她调侃道,如果谢娜没化妆在店里,估计大家会认不出来,因为真的差很多。可是自己没化妆相信大家也一定能认得出来,因为 Recently, the small S and Xie Na appeared in Beijing for the opening of the joint promotion of the dessert shop, two men “girlfriends ” Hu Bing and Li Weijia also appeared to help out. At the scene of the event, the two spicy girls were still sharp and kept ridiculing each other and attracted laughter from the scene. “Although she did not have me red, but I still willing to accept this new friend. ” Mentioned her girlfriend Xie Na, small S to play their own “language is not astonishing” style, she quips, if Xie Na did not make-up at the store Lane, it is estimated that we will not recognize it, because really much worse. But I did not believe that we will certainly make it up, because
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