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王殿玉,山东省郓城县西北徐桥村人,生于清光绪二十五年(一八九九年)农历九月初八,一九六四年十一月二十八日在天津逝世,享年六十五岁。建国后,他曾在中央音乐学院任教。他是我国著名的盲艺人,民族乐器演奏家,擂琴艺术的创始人。王殿玉出生于一个贫苦的农民家庭,四岁时父母相继去世,跟哥嫂度日。六岁那年,因患天花,双目失明。为了生计,九岁时,他拜离家不远的北马楼村盲艺人马玉修为师,学起了占卦算命。一九一一年,十二岁的王殿玉经人介绍拜本县于庄的于光文为师学拉坠琴、弹三弦,学唱三弦书、琴书、花鼓、两夹弦。同时在石登岩指教下学习弹筝、拉四弦。他天资聪明,夜以继日苦练,终于在十四岁即担任当地 Wang Dian-yu, Xuqiao Village, Northwest of Tancheng County, Shandong Province, was born in Twentieth Five-Year of the Guangxu reign (1899) on the eighth day of the eighth lunar month, and died in Tianjin on November 28, 1964. Fifteen. After the founding of the PRC, he taught at the Central Conservatory of Music. He is a famous blind artist in China, a national musical instrumentist and the founder of Beatty Art. Wang Dian-yu was born in a poor peasant family, four-year-old parents have died, with my brother-in-law. At the age of six, because of smallpox, his eyes were blind. At the age of nine, in order to earn a living, he worshiped the fortune-telling fortune of Ma Yu-xiu, a blind artist from Beima Ma Lou village, not far from home. In 1911, the 12-year-old Wang Dian-yu introduced Baoguang’s pupil Yu Guangwen in his study in Baizu County, playing three stringed instruments, singing three-stringed books, piano books, flower-drums and two strings. At the same time under the guidance of Shi Dengyan study kites, pull the four strings. He is a talented man, trained day and night, and finally served as a local at the age of fourteen
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The nature of ESR signals derived from bilirubin-Ⅸα has been studied by focusing onthe samples treated with free radical generating and inhibiting systems, i.
去年写过那篇观祝大年先生美展有感的随想之后,我几乎歇笔了。万万没有想到,促我这次提笔的动因,竟为的是写一篇悼念大年先生的祭文,倾述我对故人的缕缕哀思。 我再也见不到