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在美国华盛顿宾夕法尼亚大道的人行道上,矮小的她站在两幅标语牌之间。每次去白宫参加记者招待会,我都要经过那里,都要遇见她。在暴雨中,在火火烈日中,在冰天雪地里,她永远坚守在那里。有人说她是白宫的“守望者”,有人说她是美国总统永远的邻居。一次,我偶尔走近她的“阵地”,她拿了一份《人民日报》刊登的一张关于她的照片复印件给我。照片说明上写道:“美国妇女康塞普赛昂·皮奇奥托从1981年8月1日至今一直在白宫对面的草坪上宣传和平,反对战争。图为她在向行人宣讲她的反战观点。”看了这份复印件,我倍感亲切,而且对这位矮小的女人顿生敬意。我不是无家可归的流浪者盛夏的一个中午,气温接近40摄氏度,华盛顿好像是火炉一样热。我来到宾夕法尼亚大道。远远地看见她站在热浪中,不停地擦汗。两个一米多高、约一米宽的木制标语牌是她最重要的财产,她像爱护眼睛一样 On the sidewalk on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, USA, she stood between two placards. Every time I go to the White House to attend a press conference, I have to go through there and meet her. In the torrential rain, in the fire of fire, in the freezing snow, she always stick there. Some people say she is the “watcher” of the White House, some say she is the permanent neighbor of the United States President. Once, I occasionally approached her “position” and took a copy of her photo published in “People’s Daily” to me. The photo note states: “The American woman Concepcion Pioneer has been advocating peace and opposing the war on the lawn across from the White House since August 1, 1981. The picture shows that she is telling her about the anti-pedestrian War point of view. ”I looked at this copy, I feel very friendly, but also to the little woman gave birth to respect. I am not a homeless wanderer midsummer noon, the temperature close to 40 degrees Celsius, Washington seems to be hot as a stove. I came to Pennsylvania Avenue. She was seen far away standing in heat waves, keep wiping sweat. Two meters high, about a meter wide wooden placard is her most important property, she is like a caring eye
福特的改装部门TeamRS在2008款Focus ST掀背性能车上牛刀小试,打造了TeamRS版Focus ST,该特别版将从下月开始在英国限量发售。此次改装主要集中在外观和内饰,另外新车按照配
矿物燃料中硫官能团的自动电位测定法Bernard B.Majchrowicz 等Anal.Chem.1991,63,760~763本文给出了一种灵敏的可用于定性定量的连续监测H_2S 的自动电位方法。矿物燃料样品
The chemical weathering intensity and element migration features of the Xiashu loess profile in Zhenjiang are studied in this paper.(1)The Xiashu loess profile
新世界出版社2013年8月出版在席卷全球的帝国统治历史浪潮中,畅销书作家艾米·蔡(Amy Chua)解释了历史上的超级大国如何崛起,又为何败落。蔡研究了历史上的8个超级强国,并且
有一批 ( 1 3 0只 )圆柱形工件的加工任务 ,要求在 2 2 mm厚的板材上钻出直径为 1 3 1 mm的孔。因不打算用传统的通过几次钻孔、扩孔的方法加工 ,而制作了一把类似环钻的刀具
福克斯标榜自己的运动血统,称:我的表哥在WRC;天语SX4不服气,扬言:我家表哥也在WRC混过;凯旋愤然起立,我家乃WRC世家,蝉联冠军好几载。 Fox advertised his athletic origin
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【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)26-0053-02  语文是学生学习生涯中一门重要学科,它不仅是重要的交际工具,还代表着一种精神和文化。职业教育中的语文教学和传统的语文教学有很大的区别,传统语文教学注重传授给学生更多的知识,而职业教育中的语文则更侧重于培养学生的语文能力,从而培养学生的专业知识,让学生形成良好的职业技能和职业道德。因此,职业教育中的