
来源 :广州经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Elmo761129
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地处广州城南20里的番禺市南村镇内,保存着一座具有苏杭风韵而又呈岭南特色的古庭园,它就是广东四大名园之一馀荫山房。此园建于清同治六年,占地面积只有1590平方米,但其布局精巧,藏而不露。园中的亭台楼阁、堂馆轩榭、桥栏廊堤、山山水水、尽纳于方圆三百步之中,造成园中有园、景中有景、幽深广阔的绝妙佳境,因而素有“绪龙成寸”之称,久享“小巧玲珑”之誉。后人称之为广东四大名园之一,与顺德清晖园、东莞可园、佛山 Located in South Village, Panyu, 20 kilometers south of Guangzhou City, there is an ancient garden with the charm of Suzhou and Hangzhou and the characteristics of Lingnan. It is one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong. This park was built in the Qing Tongzhi six years, covers an area of ​​only 1590 square meters, but its layout is exquisite, possession without revealing. The pavilions in the garden, the pavilions in the pavilion, the corridors of the bridge, the mountain and river, make up a hundred and thirty steps in the radius, resulting in a garden with a beautiful view and deep and wonderful scenery. Have “Dragon into inch ”, long enjoy “small and exquisite ” reputation. Descendants called one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong, and Shunde Qinghui Park, Dongguan Park, Foshan
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2011年12月5日,川东北元坝121H井顺利完钻。该井由华北石油局西部工程公司90105HB钻井队承钻,完钻井深7 786 m,垂深6 991.19 m,水平段长612 m,水平位移989.29 m,最大井斜93.5
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雷诺嗪[ranolazine,CVT-303,KEG-1295,RS-43285(diHCl)]是2006年1月由美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准的治疗慢性心绞痛新药,由CV Ther-apeutics公司开发研制,商品名为Ranexa,该