Study of Transport Properties in Armchair Graphyne Nanoribbons: A Density Functional Approach

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yzhyzhyzh
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In present paper, the non-equilibrium Green function(NEGF) method along with the density functional theory(DFT) are used to investigate the effect of width on transport and electronic properties of armchair graphyne(γ-graphyne) nanoribbons. The results show that all the studied nanoribbons are semiconductor and their band gaps decrease as the widths of nanoribbons increase, which will result in increasing current at a certain voltage. Also our results show the promising application of armchair graphyne nanoribbons in nano-electrical devices. In present paper, the non-equilibrium Green function (NFT) method used with the density functional theory (DFT) are used to investigate the effect of width on transport and electronic properties of armchair graphyne (γ-graphyne) nanoribbons. The results show that all the studied nanoribbons are semiconductor and their band gaps decrease as the widths of nanoribbons increase, which will result in increasing current at at certain certain voltage. Also our results show the promising application of armchair graphyne nanoribbons in nano-electrical devices.
方法:将生绿豆二两洗净,入小锅内煮至将熟时,加入白菜兜2~3个,再煮沸约20分钟,弃渣取汁顿服,每天服1~2次,曾治疗儿童34例,未并用其他药物,经观察在服绿豆 Methods: Wash gree
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