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老鼠龌龊卑下,偷窃成性,传染疾病,令人厌恶,故有“老鼠过街,人人喊打”的成语。可在人类也有人人喊打的过街“老鼠”。前不久,烟台市牟平区人民检察院仅用2个月时间就在牟平区宁海镇永安轻型建材厂挖出了一窝啃咬轻质砖的“硕鼠”。6名案犯全部落网,直接挽回经济损失30余万元,检察人员用心血和才智又奏响了一曲反贪的凯歌。一、初闻“鼠”声 1995年4月,一封署名“永安里村党员群众”的举报信,放到了牟平区检察院领导的案头。检察人员象一把利剑,迅速出击,直刺要害,两天后,举报问题水落石出。正当检察官们 Mouse hysterical, stealing into sex, contagious disease, disgusting, it is “mouse across the street, everyone yells ” idioms. Can also be called in human beings across the street “mouse ”. Not long ago, Yantai Muping District People’s Procuratorate in only 2 months time in Muping Ninghai Yongan Light Building Materials Factory dug a litter of light brick bite “” rat. 6 cases of all arrested, directly to recover more than 30 million yuan in economic losses, prosecutors with the painstakingness and talent also played an anti-corruption triumph. First, the early news “rat ” sound April 1995, a signature “Wing On Village members ” report letter, put the case of the leadership of the Muping District Procuratorate. Prosecutors like a sword, quickly attack, pierce the key, two days later, report the problem. Just as prosecutors
、一‘( 、 叮、 ;、此后.张某和王某打得火热,招来不少人的异议贺某告诫妻子少与张某搭仙院判决两人离婚贺某回到家中.发觉所有的名家字画均不翼而飞——一一一一一一 几、
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