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过去我们在贯彻中国烟草总公司提出的烟叶生产指导方针,治理整顿收购秩序,坚持按国家标准收购等方面做了大量的工作,收到了一定的效果,但是前些年有些地方群众仍然有意见,“卖烟难”“人情难”和“收烟难”的问题仍然没有得到彻底解决。原因一是群众观念 In the past, we have done a great deal of work in implementing the guidelines for tobacco leaf production put forward by China Tobacco Corporation, managing the order for the consolidation of the purchase, and insisting on the acquisition according to the national standards. We have received some results in this regard. However, some local people still expressed their opinions in previous years, The problems of “selling cigarettes”, “difficult” and “difficult to get cigarettes” are still not completely solved. One reason is the concept of the masses
我,一个平凡的女孩,没有多么华丽的外表,也没有多么出众的才艺,但我却有一颗与众不同的心,和一个属于我的世界。  清晨,当第一缕阳光洒向大地时,伴着鸟儿的歌唱,我开始了新的一天。坐在阳台上,惬意地望着这世界,一切都是那么的宁静!我的心也随之而放松。早晨的气息犹如菊花,清新而淡雅。每每呼吸一次,都会使身体的每一处细胞重新焕发活力。阳光荡漾在天地间,用温暖将我包围,将我唤醒。阳台成了我的小世界。  在阳
This paper presents a digital readout system to detect small capacitive signals of a micro- machined angular rate sensor. The flexible parameter adjustment abil
适宜的开花时间对于植物的生殖生长及其产品器官的产量和品质非常重要,因此植物进化出复杂且精细的调控机制来调控开花时间。芥菜(Brassica juncea Coss)是十字花科芸薹属蔬
胆小的我,第一次独自走夜路。  下午在好朋友家玩,谁知玩得忘了时间。朋友叫我住在她家,我没答应,家里人会担心的。于是,我趁着暮色踏上了归途。  一开始还好,外面还有些亮。可是我每往前走一步,天就好像变得黑一点。不多久,天便完全黑了。经过路边的一处石子堆,装上一兜的小石子,手里还攥着几颗。怀里揣着从好朋友家借来的图画书,里面讲的是善良孩子坚强勇敢的故事。小小的我走在弯弯的泥路上,不断回想故事里的情节
Rare earth europium(Eu(3+))-doped lithium tetraborate(Eu:Li_2B_4O_7) crystal is grown from its stoichiometric melt by microtube Czochralski pulling technique(μ
We propose a scheme to coherently control the field-free orientation of NO molecule whose rotational temperature is above 0 K. It is found that the maximum mole