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科索沃战争,证明了当今国际关系的特点仍然是: 政治上,强权即公理; 经济上,有奶便是娘; 文化上,水往高处流。在这种形势下,所谓全球一体化只有在经济领域可望实现,在这一领域,可以说一等于一。而在政治领域,则是一分为二,即社会主义和资本主义两种体系,这两种体系经过热战和冷战之后,现已进入不热不冷的“温战”状态,即既有磨擦,又有合作;既能对抗,也能共处。在文化领域,按S、P,亨廷顿的说法,是一分为八:西方文明,儒教文明,日本文明,伊斯兰文明,印度文明,斯拉夫一东正教文明,拉美文明,非洲文明。 The war in Kosovo proved that the features of today’s international relations are still: politically, power is justice; economically, milk is the mother; culture and water flow. Under such circumstances, the so-called global integration can only be expected in the economic field, and in this area, it can be said to be equal to one. In the political field, however, it is divided into two systems: socialism and capitalism. Both of these systems have now entered a state of “war on peace” that is neither too hot nor too cold, after both the hot war and the cold war. That is, both There are friction, and cooperation; both confrontation, but also coexist. In the field of culture, according to S, P, Huntington’s argument is divided into eight: Western civilization, Confucian civilization, Japanese civilization, Islamic civilization, Indian civilization, Slavic Orthodox civilization, Latin American civilization, African civilization.
The essence and forms of expression of things in the world are oftennot consistent, and in some cases even run counter to each other. Forexample, mirages in the
由中国社会科学院东方文化研究中心、河南行政学院、河南开封大学、河南宋学研究会共同主办的“东方文化国际学术讨论会”,1999年 10月 2 9日— 11月 1日在河南开封大学举行
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