
来源 :石油大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:backdoor6402415
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对胶莱盆地露头区及覆盖区断层性质和褶皱形态进行了分析,对露头区各地层的发育节理进行了统计解析。胶莱盆地在发展演化过程中主要经历了四期构造应力场的变化:第一期为早白垩世早期莱阳组(K1l)沉积期间,为北北西向挤压应力场;第二期为青山组(K1q)沉积期间,为近东西向拉伸;第三期即王氏组(K2w)沉积期间,为北西南东向挤压;第四期即在王氏组沉积以后,胶莱盆地受北东向挤压。与上述四期应力场变化相对应,由盆地中发育的地层、火山活动和构造特征可以看出,胶莱盆地是在白垩纪发育起来的一个拉分盆地,经历了4个发育阶段,即莱阳组沉积期间的初始拉分阶段、青山组沉积期间的拉分间歇阶段、王氏组沉积期间的后续拉分阶段和王氏组沉积以后的挤压隆起萎缩发育阶段。在此基础上,设计了4个地质模型,用有限单元法对盆地演化过程中的四期应力场做了数学模拟分析。 The fault properties and fold patterns of outcrop and outcrop in Jiaolai Basin were analyzed, and the developmental joints of various strata in outcrop area were analyzed statistically. In the process of development and evolution, the Jiaolai Basin mainly experienced four tectonic stress fields: the first stage was the north-northwest crush stress field during the deposition of the Early Cretaceous Laiyang Formation (K1l); the second stage was the Qingshan Formation (K1q) is near east-west direction during the deposition; the third period is the northwestern South-East extrusion during the deposition of the Wangshi Formation (K2w); the fourth is after the deposition of the Wangshi Formation, East squeeze. Corresponding to the changes of the above four stress fields, it can be seen from the strata, volcanic activities and tectonic features developed in the basin that the Jiaolai Basin was a pull-apart basin developed during the Cretaceous period and underwent four stages of development, that is, Laiyang The initial pull-out stage during deposition of the group, the pull-apart interval during the deposition of the Qingshan Formation, the subsequent stage of pull-off during the deposition of the Wangshi Formation, and the extrusion-uplift and atrophy stage after the deposition of the Wangshi Formation. Based on this, four geological models are designed, and the finite element method is used to simulate the four-period stress field during the evolution of the basin.
本文通过分析计算机网络给图书馆带来的制约和挑战 ,揭示了图书馆与网络共存发展的方式 ,探讨了未来图书馆的发展方向和重点
【正】 在《讳之特例》(见本刊93年第一期)中,笔者曾援引《明实录》载明武宗朱厚照因“朱”、“猪”同音,且生年“辛亥”,生肖属豕,而禁民间养猪,谓为“讳之特例”。然而,特
目的 探讨输卵管积水的超声声像图特征 ,分析误诊原因。方法 回顾性分析经腹腔镜手术和病理证实的 1 39例输卵管积水的患者 ,并对其声像图特点及超声扫查途径进行分析。结
1 典型病例例1,女,25岁.因孕10个月,不规则腹痛24h,破水1h余,于2001-10-13来我院,诊断G1 P0妊娠40+2周,患者于10-12 19h30min见红,随后出现不规则腹痛,即请当地接生员来家中,