
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l7821744
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近年来,在新课程改革以及素质教育的鼓励下,高中英语教学已经取得了一定的发展成效。然而,在高中英语教学中,传统的大班授课模式所存在的弊端也逐渐显现出来。由于采取大班授课的教学模式,再加上教学内容多,上课时间短的影响和限制,为了尽可能地完成教学任务和教学目标,高中英语老师纷纷进行填鸭式教学,留给学生思考的时间少之又少,阻碍了学生在课堂上进行自由和正常的讨论和发挥,不仅导致学生的主体地位得不到重视,同时也导致学生独立思考能力和综合创造力得不到有效的培养和提高,不利于学生的长期发展。本文着重分析了高中英语教学中讨论发挥的重要作用,并就如何加强讨论发挥在高中英语教学中的比重和实践进行了深入分析和探讨,提出了一些意见和看法,以供广大相关人员参考。 In recent years, with the encouragement of the new curriculum reform and quality education, senior English teaching has achieved certain development results. However, in the teaching of senior high school, the shortcomings of the traditional mode of teaching large classes also gradually appear. Due to the teaching mode of large-class teaching, coupled with the influence of more teaching contents and shorter class time, in order to complete teaching tasks and teaching objectives as much as possible, high school English teachers have carried out cramming teaching, leaving little time for students to think Which hinders students from discussing and playing freely and in class in class. It not only leads to the students ’subjective status being ignored, but also leads to the students’ independent thinking ability and comprehensive creativity not effectively trained and improved. Not conducive to the long-term development of students. This article focuses on analyzing the important role played by the discussion in high school English teaching and gives an in-depth analysis and discussion on how to strengthen the discussion on the proportion and practice of high school English teaching. Some opinions and opinions are put forward for the reference of the relevant personnel.
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