
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuxpeter
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“关乎部队战斗力的事,再小也是大事,必须特事特办、急事急办”,这是广东省湛江市赤坎区区委书记、区人武部党委第一书记麦教猛挂在嘴边的一句话。2003年3月上任后的第二天,他就率领区四套班子领导到区人武部现场办公。当得知区里没有一个规范的民兵训练基地、人武部办公自动化水平低时,麦教猛心里很不是滋味。他当即决定,在一年内解决人武部办公自动化和民兵教育训练基础设施问题。为落实建设资金,麦教猛多次组织有关职能部门领导召开协调会,并亲自到市里、省里协调资金。仅一个月时间,建设所需资金便全部到位。建设过程中,麦教猛经常过问工程进度,亲自监督工程质量。在他的亲自把关下,一年后,一幢集机关办公、指挥自动化、国防动员于一体的综合办公大楼拔地而起,通信 “Concerning the combat effectiveness of the armed forces, then small is also a major event. We must make a special event and urgently urgently do something.” This is the message that Mai Jiantun, secretary of the Party Committee of Chikan District of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, A word. On the second day after taking office in March 2003, he led the four teams in the district to lead the work of the District People’s Armed Police Department. When I learned that there is no standard militia training base in the area, the Ministry of People’s Armed Police office automation level is low, the mind is not very sweet. He immediately decided to solve the issue of office automation for militiamen and infrastructure for militia education and training within one year. In order to implement the construction fund, Macapa repeatedly organized the leaders of relevant functional departments to convene coordination meetings and personally went to the cities and provinces to coordinate funds. Only a month’s time, all the funds needed for construction will be put in place. In the process of construction, Meijia Meng often asked about the progress of the project and personally supervised the quality of the project. A year after his check-in, a comprehensive office building integrating offices, command automation and national defense mobilized and communications
楔子  睡前,我给何嘉信打电话。  “明天要穿什么衣服呢?”  那边传来窸窸窣窣的声音,应该是他从床上爬起来,打开衣柜。  “海魂衫?”他很认真地思索了一番,征求我的意见。  我看了看天气预报APP,明天转凉,穿那件短袖的海魂衫太冷了。  “还是穿长袖吧。”我懒洋洋地回。  “单宁牛仔衣?”  “我穿着显胖。”  ……  这样挑挑拣拣说了半个小时,最后定了拼色衬衫。  翌日,我下楼的时候,远远看见
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This paper analyzes the physical meaning of the active and reactive power flow in the finite L-shaped beams and studies the active vibration control of the stru