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一民居是民间建筑最主要的存在形态民居不仅仅应当包括各种形式的居宅,还应当包括与整个居住活动密切相关的各种建筑类型,例如村堡,城垣、牌楼、山门、桥梁、台阁、会馆以及园林等。甚至有些村庄宗祠与最普遍的、名目繁多的民间神庙,也因为并无更多严格意义上的宗教含义而更多具有民间集会活动(如庙会便是一种集市贸易活动)性质,它们在一定层度上亦成为与民居不可分割的总体布置之重要组成部分了。民居是民族文化最基础最集中的体现场所。中华民族所谓的“三皂”中,除了教人用火的“燧人氏”与指导人耕作的“神农氏”之外,便是让人自觉懂得居宅重要的“有巢氏”,可见中华民族自文化肇端上便重视了建筑对人生的陶育。在中国上古典籍中,越来越明确地突出了这一点,《周易》中便有“居贞吉”的卦辞;《左传》中也有“居为社稷之守”的论述;到了春秋时代,“居”已作为具有恒稳道德准则与礼仪规范的主要内容之一,《礼记》中多次有“居处有礼”、“居乡以齿”、“居处不庄非孝也”等论述,《论语》中也将“居处恭”、“居敬而行简”、“食无求饱、居无求安”等当成了“君子之德”;孟子则明确地提出了“居移气, A dwelling house is the most important form of existence of folk architecture Dwelling houses should not only include various forms of dwelling houses but also various types of dwelling houses closely related to the whole dwelling activity such as village, town wall, archway, gate, bridge, , Clubs and gardens and so on. Even some village shrines and the most popular folk temples of various kinds have more nature of private gatherings (such as the temple fair being a fair trade activity) because there is no more religious sense in the strict sense of the word To a certain extent, it has also become an integral part of the overall arrangement of residences. Residential is the most concentrated embodiment of national culture, the most concentrated place. Among the so-called “Three Soaps” of the Chinese nation, apart from the “Suinongs” that teach people to use fire and the “Shennongs” that guide the cultivation of their own people, they are people who know themselves the most important “nesting” in their houses. Culture began to attach importance to the construction of life on Tao Yu. In Chinese ancient classics, it is more and more clearly highlighted in this book. In the Book of Changes, there is the Gua Ci of “Juzhenji”; “Zuo Zhuan” also has a discussion of “living as a saver”; in the Spring and Autumn Period, “Habitat” has been regarded as one of the main contents of the code of ethics and etiquette. There are many articles in the book, such as “courteous living”, “living in rural areas” and “ , ”Analects of Confucius“ also ”living Christine“, ”respect and act Jane“, ”food without appetite, no demand for security“ as a ”moral“; Mencius clearly put forward ” gas,
一、中国美术家协会《齐白石奖》1、方增先(上海) 《母亲》(国画) 2、孙本长(天津) 《河原嫁女》(国画) 3、章培筠(浙江) 《素裹》(国画) 二、《吴作人国际美术基金会青年奖
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