New Standard English 1A,Unit1 Module4 Teaching plan

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  The explanation of the text and students:
  In this module, there are two units. The text offers a family---Sam and Amy’s family, through their interesting talking we can know about their likes and dislikes. Meanwhile, the main language items are showing in their dialogues. They are the new words of some food and fruits, the sentences “Do you like……? Yes, I do.\No, I don’t.” and “Does she\he like…? Yes, she\he does.\No, she\he doesn’t.”. Through learning all of above, the students can know about how to ask about the likes and dislikes to strengthen the communication each other in English, that can add their words number and improve their oral English and the students know how to use the language.
  In this period, the main and important task is to finish Unit1 to learn the names of food and fruits and the sentence “Do you like…? Yes, I do\No, I don’t”. Some of the students may know some names of the fruits and food, but most of them don’t know them. On the other hand , they can’t recognize the English words at all though they may say some. So this will be paid attention to in class.
  Teaching aims:
  1.Knowledge aim
  (1)Students should master the new words of the food (noodles, meat, fish,
  rice, milk).
  (2)To learn and master the key dialogue “Do you like……? Yes, I do. \ No, I don’t.”
  2.Ability aim
  To cultivate students’ ability of talking , the cooperation of learning and they know how to ask about the others’ likes and dislikes.
  3.Moral aim
  To interest the students in learning and let the teacher and the students get on well with each other in class .
  Teaching importance and difficulties:
  1.Teaching importance
  To learn the new words of food.
  To learn the dialogue “Do you like…..? Yes, I do \ No, I don’t”.
  2.Teaching difficulties
  To know about the difference between the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns.
  Teaching aids:
  (1) CAI Software
  (2) Some word cards and some pictures of food.
  Teaching periods: 1 period
  Teaching procedures:
  Step1 Warmer
  (1) Greetings the students as usual.
  (2) Revise the words of some sports.
  (Multi-media showing the pictures of some sports such as basketball, swimming, skipping…)
  T: OK, boys and girls, look out of the window, It’s a sunny day ,I want to do some sports. Look “What’s this?”
  (Let the students look and answer. Then read together. (CAI software shows the pictures and words.)   [Design intention: To remind these words is to prepare for practicing the new sentences “Do you like…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”]
  Step2 Teach the new words of food
  (1) Lead-in
  T: You’re very nice. You can remember all these things. How clever you are! Just now I did some sports, now I’m feeling hungry. I need some food .The first one is …
  (Showing the picture of the food)
  (Teach the students to read the words using the pictures and the word cards twice. ( noodles, meat, fish, rice, milk)
  The first time
  T : noodles↗
  S : noodles↘
  The second time
  T : noodles↗
  S : noodles↗noodles↗noodles↘
  T:Boys and girls, please look at the blackboard again ,these words are about food .
  (Write “Module 4 Food” on the blackboard.)
  (2) Read the new words together.
  (3) Play a game:
  Watch and guess. Let the students watch the teacher’s mouth. Guess out the words loudly according to the teacher’s mouth .
  [Design intention: To drill the words and see if the Ss can say and realize the words in this interesting way. ]
  Step3 Teach the new dialogue
  (1) Lead-in
  T:Very wonderful, boys and girls, I think all of you can read these words now, right? Now look (Point to the picture of “meat”), What’s this? (Ss answer “It’s meat”) meat, meat, Mm, how delicious! Listen to me. I like meat. Do you like milk? ”
  Ask a student to answer “yes/no”. Then tell him or her to answer “Yes , I do.” (Stick the sentence cards on the Bb)
  (2) Listen and repeat the sentences several times.
  (3) Guess: Hide the pictures of the food that the teacher likes . Then tell the Ss to guess what the teacher likes by asking “Do you like ….?” Teacher answers “Yes, I do.\No, I don’t.” freely.
  (4) Listening test. (CAI software)Then let Ss listen and say the dialogue on the screen.
  (5) Practice in pairs . Ask Ss to performance by using the different things such as animals, fruits, sports and food .
  (6) Single performance: Ask the Ss to performance in front saying “Do you like…?”and answer freely.
  Step4 Sum up
  (1) Say “Today we’ve studied to ask about the likes and dislikes. Are you happy? OK, let’s sing.”
  (2) Sing the song “Do you like meat?”. (CAI software shows the song with the music of “Two tigers”. Let the Ss sing and dance happily.)
  Step5 Homework
  (1) The clever children listen to the tape in this unit after class.
  (2)The cleverer children ask their parents’ likes and dislikes.
  (3)The cleverest children teach their parents and act out the dialogue.
  [Design intention: Games and singing should be the children’s favorite
  activities. They can make the class lively and make the Ss be glad to study. Especially the song can help Ss to remember the words and the dialogue easily.]
  Bb Design:
  Module 4 Food
  Do you like meet? rice milk
  Yes, I do. meat
  No, I don’t. fish noodle
摘 要:初中学生有强烈的好奇心,求知欲望强烈,可塑性很强,我们应该充分意识到这一点,并正确的引导。物理学从本质上说是一门实验科学,物理规律的发现和物理理论的建立都必须以物理实验为基础,并受到实验的检验。因此要加强实验教学,应注意不断激励学生通过观察、比较、实验、归纳、类比等探索手段提出种种假设和猜想发展他们的创新意识,培养创新能力。  关键词:物理;实验; 创新  物理是一门以观察和实验为基础的自
摘 要::随着信息时代的到来,电子计算机的使用越来越普及,这就需要教师加强对信息技术方面的教学。许多同学认为这是一门不重要的科目,所以不必要认真学习,其实这种观点是非常错误的。因为现在的教学要求是培养素质化人才,这就要求全面发展。所以提高学生的信息素养,这对于以后的高等教育的学习及就业具有重要的现实意义。这就需要老师进行有效的信息技术教学,学生也要积极配合,从而促进这门学科的更好的学习。  关键词
摘 要:新的《语文课程标准》指出:“要让学生充分地读,在读书中整体感知,在读中有所感悟,在读中培养语感,在读中受到情感的熏陶。”阅读教学是学生、教师、文本之间对话的过程,是培养学生广泛阅读兴趣的重要阶段,尤其是小学阅读教学更应该以读为主,为了保证阅读的有效性,教师应该以多种手段加以辅助,以“读”为主导来加以锻炼。笔者从自己的教学实践出发,从四个方面进行了阐述。  关键词:小学语文;阅读能力;方法 
词汇是组成语言的最基本元素,没有词汇也就无所谓语言,英语教学自然离不开词汇教学。学生不掌握一定的词汇量,就无法顺利进行听、说、读、写、译,就无法进行英语交流。那么如何在英语教学过程中帮助学生更多更好地掌握英语词汇呢?我来谈谈我的一些见解。  一、把词汇教学与语音教学相结合  学习英语单词,首先是要能正确发音。如果不能正确朗读单词,不仅人家无法理解你要表达的意思,而且你也无法听懂人家的话。不能正确发
摘 要:生物教学要把素质教育落到实处,我们教师就得改进教学方法,培养创新的能力。新课程标准既要求教师的观念要更新,又要求教师的角色要转变,教学方法的更新换代是迫在眉睫。  关键词:研究型教师;师生互动;情感调节;创设情境  教材的几经变更,要求教师的教和学生的学也跟随着改进。现行的新课程标准,可谓是要求更高,标准甚严。历经生物教学二十载,饱尝生物教学的酸甜苦辣,也从中学到了甚多,确实有些浅陋的见解
On March 15, 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 60/251 to createa 47-member Human Rights Council (the Council) in replacement of a 60-