电动激振器 第二章 提高电动机激振器推力和振幅的方法

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近十多年来,随着科学技术、特别是航空和宇航技术的发展,作为振动环境试验主要技术手段的电动激振系统获得了迅速的发展。由于电子技术的革新,数字技术在振动试验控制、测量和数据处理中的应用,以及电动激振器性能的不断提高,不仅使电动激振系统广泛地应用于各种产品的可靠性检验,而且还应用于产品特性和可靠性的预示,成为产品设计的重要工具之一。因此,研制和生产性能优良的激振系统,并在试验中合理地使用这些系统,对于缩短产品研制周期、降低成本和提高可靠性具有重要的作用。本书着重介绍了电动激振器的工作原理和结构,概述了改进激振器性能的方法。通过对大量专利和现有电动激振系统的分析,提出了激振系统的发展趋势。本书可供科研设计人员、从事振动试验和激振系统研制和生产的人员参考。上角数码为书中原注,带圈的上角数码为译者加的注释,两者皆排于当页或次页之下。由于译者水平所限,译文不确切甚至错误之处,在所难免,恳请读者批评指正。 In recent ten years, with the development of science and technology, especially aeronautical and astronautic technologies, electrodynamic excitation system, which is the main technique of vibration environment test, has gained rapid development. Due to the innovation of electronic technology, the application of digital technology in vibration test control, measurement and data processing, and the continuous improvement of the performance of electric vibration exciter not only make the electric excitation system widely used in the reliability test of various products, but also It is also used as a predictor of product characteristics and reliability as one of the key tools in product design. Therefore, the development and production of excellent performance of the excitation system, and the rational use of these systems in the test, to shorten the product development cycle, reduce costs and improve reliability plays an important role. This book focuses on the working principle and structure of the electric exciter, outlines the method to improve the performance of the exciter. Through the analysis of a large number of patents and the existing electric excitation system, the development trend of the excitation system is proposed. This book is available for research designers, engaged in vibration test and excitation system development and production personnel reference. The upper corner of the digital book for the original note, with the upper corner of the digital circle for the translator plus notes, both in the page or next page. Due to the limited level of translators, the translation is not accurate or even wrong place, inevitable, implore readers to criticize and correct.
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四、新能源换热器 1.核电站换热器核电站用的管壳式换热器(又称为大型蒸汽发生器),各国都是作为核能技术的一项重要专题,一直在大力研究和迅速发展。这类换热器一般有三个特