
来源 :宁波经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinoerli
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江北工业区位于市区东北部,是宁波市惟一的在市区规划内的开发地块。经过7年多开发建设,区内基础开发已基本完成,投资环境初具规模,并逐渐向引进高科技产业为主迈进。随着工业区开发建设的不断深入,投资软硬环境也不断改善,区内企业发展较快,截止到1999年底,工业区已有注册企业200余家,全年完成企业总产值3.16亿元,完成销售收入5.04亿元,上交国家税收1500万元,呈现良好的发展态势。为更好地发挥江北工业区在整个江北地区的窗口和龙头作用,提高区域科技含量,扩大经济外向度,工业区适时抓住发展机遇,于1999年底设立江北科技园区,使工业区真正进入了第二次创业的新阶段。科技园区首期规划面积2.58平方公里,目前已完成了科技 Jiangbei Industrial Zone is located in the northeastern part of the urban area and is the only development site in Ningbo City within the urban planning area. After more than seven years of development and construction, the basic development in the region has basically been completed and the investment environment has begun to take shape. Gradually, it has taken the lead in introducing high-tech industries. With the deepening of the development and construction of industrial zones, soft and hard investment environment also continued to improve, the rapid development of enterprises in the region, as of the end of 1999, the industrial zone has more than 200 registered enterprises, the annual output of 316 million yuan of enterprise output, Completion of sales revenue of 504 million yuan, turned over to state tax 15 million yuan, showing a good momentum of development. In order to give full play to the window and leading role of Jiangbei Industrial Zone in the entire Jiangbei region, improve the scientific and technological content of the region and expand the degree of economic outwardness, the industrial zone seized the opportunities for development at the right time. By the end of 1999, Jiangbei Science and Technology Parks were set up so that industrial zones could truly enter The second phase of entrepreneurship. Science Park, the first phase planning area of ​​2.58 square kilometers, has completed the technology
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2005年几大车业巨头都将在中国推出新版高档车,别克荣御前景如何?奔驰 C 级车将对中国豪华车市场造成何种冲击?奥迪的霸主地位会被改写吗?宝马又会有什么样的新突破?这些部要