Adhesive Bonding and Self-Curing Characteristics of α-Starch Based Composite Binder for Green Sand M

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gugugou
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Interactions between different components in α-starch based composite binder for green sand mould/core were investigated by using XRD, IR spectra, 1H NMR spectra and SEM. Several adhesive hardening structures and theories of the binder at room temperature were proposed according to the interactions between various compositions. Thus, the reasons for the binder to have excellent combination properties and unique adhesive bonding and self-curing characteristics were explained by these theories successfully. And the theories are of great directive importance to design and development of composite binder for green sand mould/core. Interactions between different components in α-starch based composite binder for green sand mold / core were investigated by using XRD, IR spectra, 1H NMR spectra and SEM. Several adhesives cooling structures and theories of the binder at room temperature were proposed according to the interaction Thus, the reasons for the binder to have excellent combination properties and unique adhesive bonding and self-curing characteristics were explained by these theories successfully. And the theories are of directive great to design and development of composite binder for green sand mold
3.2 燃烧系统通常,燃烧系统包括进气道和喷油系统的元件。不过,就本文而言,燃烧系统指的是气缸内燃油和空气混合并燃烧的区域。与排放减少有关的三个方面是燃烧室形状、燃烧
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