
来源 :华西医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyr1234
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本文报告三例血液学正常的患者在上呼吸道感染后发生急性造血功能停滞。简介如下。 例1 女性,27岁。1周前受冻,4天前发热40℃,白细胞9600/mm~3,给庆大霉素、消炎痛和病毒灵治疗4天后入院。既往体健。体检:体温37.5℃,一般情况好,仅躯干、四肢、双侧腋窝及双侧腹股沟均有散在针尖大小的出血点,咽充血中度,余无异常发现。化验:血红蛋白9g%、白细胞2300/mm~3、血小板30000/mm~3、网织红细胞0.4%。糖水试验、Coomb’s试验、高铁 This article reports three patients with normal hematology who developed acute hematopoietic arrest after upper respiratory tract infection. Brief introduction is as follows. Example 1 Female, 27 years old. Frozen one week ago, 4 days before the fever 40 ℃, white blood cells 9600 / mm ~ 3, to gentamicin, indomethacin and virus Ling treatment 4 days after admission. Past physical health. Physical examination: body temperature 37.5 ℃, the general situation is good, only the trunk, limbs, bilateral armpit and both sides of the groin are scattered in the size of the tip of the bleeding point, pharyngeal congestion moderate, I found no abnormalities. Assay: Hemoglobin 9g%, leukocyte 2300 / mm ~ 3, platelet 30000 / mm ~ 3, reticulocyte 0.4%. Sugar water test, Coomb’s test, high-speed rail
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目的 对MIS-TLIF、PLIF分别用于腰椎滑脱症初期治疗中的效果进行比较.方法 选择我院于2014年5月~ 2016年5月共收治的初期腰椎滑脱症患者60例,并将其随机分成了实验组和对照组.
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