
来源 :中国科技期刊研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iuonake5
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着眼于农业科普期刊扭转困境和稳步发展,对此类期刊运作中应正确处理的几个关系作了阐述和分析。这些关系主要是:读者需求与办刊宗旨,读者面与办刊特色,高新技术与农业生产实际,适用性与发行面,期刊质量与发行量,广告经营与读者利益等。 Focusing on the reversal of difficulties and steady development of agricultural popular science journals, several relations that should be properly handled in the operation of such journals are elaborated and analyzed. These relations are mainly: reader’s needs and purposes of running a journal, readers’ face and characteristics of running a journal, the actuality of high-tech and agricultural production, the applicability and issuance of journal, the quality and circulation of journal, the operation of advertising and readership.
上海校园健康指数正在稳步提升:申城95%以上中小学都能保证每周20分钟的健康教育时间,93.8%的学校有心理咨询室,86.7%的学生参加过学校开展的应急自救培训,95.7%的学生每天在学校的活动时间在30分钟及以上。截至2015年底,上海市已有834所“无烟学校”。  百闻不如一见。世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍评价上海为“健康城市工作的样板”,当来自各国的官员、健康促进专家走进上海的各个城区,来到学
Background/aims:Recent studies on the treatment of acute subretinal macular haemorrhage have shown that the volume of the clot and the time to evacuation have s
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AED是自动体外心脏除颤器的英文简称,是心源性猝死抢救中重要的仪器。人们在电影电视中都曾见过医生抢救时使用。  一个人突然发生心源性猝死大多由心室颤动导致,及时进行规律的电刺激,心跳就可能恢复正常。若能在1分钟内使用AED进行电击除颤,成活率可达90%;每延误1分钟,成活率就会降低10%;5分钟后,成活率将无法得到改善。  作为对心脏进行除颤的自动体外心脏除颤器,AED最大的特点是可以自动分辨心源
Background/aims:Eyes with burnt out disciform scars secondary to age related macular degeneration(AMD)are regarded as visually stable.The aim of this study is t
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.